6 | planning going out together

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🐸Minju POV🐸

I put on my clothes a v-neck black t-shurt and a blue short that reach to my knees.

"Man tomorrow is Saturday what should I do?" I mumbled.

I sat at the edge of the bed of Chaeeon and think.

Then it was disturbed when the door open it revealed Chaewon.

"Yo airhead!" I said with a smile and she just rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" She ask.

Then a thought came to my mind.

"Do you want to go out together just the two of us." I said.

And I can see there's a slight blush crept on her cheeks.

"I don't trust you Minju." She said and I just frow.

"Come on baby trust me just this once." I said with a puppy eyes.

"No, nope Minju nope." She said.

"Man please Chaewon." I said with a pout.

"Aish fine but..." then I look at her.

"But?" She look at me.

"You have to make it fun." She said.

"Okay don't worry I will make it fun for you baby." I said and she just blushed.

"Okay be ready tomorrow okay let go to sleep." She said and I look at her confused.

"Wait what we gonna sleep together in one bed!?" I ask her and she look at me and raise her brows.

"What you shy?" She said in teasing tone and give me a teasing smile.

"N-no I'm nit shy and why would I be shy baby." I say and cross my arms and a slight blush crept on my cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah." She turn off the light and laid beside me.

And I decided to laid bback and turn my back.

"Goodnight Minju."

"Goodnight too Chaewon." Then I drifted my self to sleep.

《Next Day》

The sun is shining.

I slowly open my eyes.

I sat up and rub my eyes so my vision will be clear.

I stretch my arms and reasy to start the day.

"Man that was a good sleep." I said as I got up from the bed and go to the kitchen.

As I got there Chaewon was there cooking.

And I decided to tease her.

I go walk towards her and wrap my arms around her waist.

And rest my head on her shoulder.

And she flinch.

"Baby what are you cooking?" I ask her and she look at me irritated and there's a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I'm cooking bacons just wait sit there on the chair." She said and I shake my head.

"No I don't want to I want to hug you here my little sweet baby fairy!" I said sweetly.

"The hell is that you Minju the bad perverted bully frog that I known since the first day if school." She said.

"Yes this is me your frog!" I said and smiled and she just roll her eyes.

"Just sit there please Minju." She said and I pout.

"No." I simply said.

She look at me.

"Please honey." She said pleadingly and my heart skip a beat and I blushed..

"O-okay." I unwrapped my arms around ehr waist and take a sit at the chair.

I take a peek on her and she look beautiful her hair tied up on a high ponytail and she wearing a plain t-shirt and short and she wearing a apron damn she will make a perfect housewife.

"Okay I'm done now dig in." As she put a plate full of bacon and put a basket of bread.

We started eating and now.

As we finish eating Chaewon said be ready I almost forgot we going out together today.

I just go to my room.

I take a quick bath and as I finish taking a bath.

I pick a light blue sweater and after that I put on some white jean and paired it with black shoes.

As I got out from the room.

I waited for Chaewon in the living room.

It's been 15 minutes now.

"I'm done." It's Chaewon voice.

"Finally what took you so...." I look at her and she wearing a light pink sweater and a blue green short paired eith white shoes and she tie her hair in a high ponytail.

"Uhm Minju...stop staring at me." She said amd I snapped back to reality.

"Uh haha sorry now let's go darling." I said and she looked at me.

"You're my bodyguard Minju don't forget that." She said.

"Oh right I forgot." I said and we go outside of the house.

I hope I will make her happy.

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