34 | Why didn't you tell me?

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Me to mnet and also indah tan drawings are so cute dont at me.


🐸Minju POV🐸

We immedately go home after me and Nako fight at the restaurant, as we got home I immediately plopped my sore body on the couch and let out a heavy sigh. "You okay Minju?" Chaewon ask as she pat my head and smiled, I look at her and smile back.

"I did'nt know that Nako came back and she...change what happened to her what happen to the sweet, cheerful and happy Nako." I said, I sat up and look at Chaewon. "Minju can I ask you a question?" She ask and I nod. "Can you tell what happened to you and Nako five years ago?" She ask.

I gulp, she look at me with pleading eyes and I gave in. "Okay sure." I said and she smiled. "But in exchanged, you have to tell me one story." I said and she pout. "Okay what is it?" She ask and I smiled. "Why did you like me?" I said and she blush. "Okay fine now start telling the story." She said and I chuckled.


"Hey Minju..." Yena called me and I look at her. "Yes?" I replied and she look at me with a teasingly smile. "When will you confess your love for Nako?" she ask and I blushed. "What I don't love her." I said and she laughed. "Keep telling that to yourself Minju I know you love her I can tell it just by your stare to her." she said and I blush.  

As we keep walking I saw Nako outside of my classroom, she notice and smiled. "MINMIN!" She shouted as she start running towards me, Yena look at me and smirk. "There's your future wife, I have to go or else I will be a third wheel."  Yena whispered to my ears and go to the classroom, I sigh and look at Nako who is smiling at me I blushed.

"Minmin are you excited for the  Christmas party tomorrow?" Nako ask and I immediately ask to her. 'Wait what Christmas party?"  I ask and she pout. '"Yah Minmin did you not listen to the teacher announcement!" Nako said and hit my arm lightly and I chuckled. "Sorry I fell asleep during the announcement." I said and Nako just sigh.

"We will have a Christmas party tomorrow." She said and I just formed my mouth into a 'o'. We  decided to walk home together and Yena did'nt come with us because she have to take care of Yuri because she trip when Yena is chasing her. "Minmin I have to tell you something very important." Nako said and she stop walking, I look at her.

"What is it?" i ask and she gulp as she was about to say something someone hug me by the waist, I look who it is and it's a girl who have brown wavy hair  and have brown eyes look at me and blush. "Oh sorry I thought you were my mom." she said. She quickly let go of my waist, apologized and quickly. "Do you know her?" Nako and I shake my head. "No but she kinda cute." I said.

I can see that she quickly pout when I said that the girl is cute, I look at her. "So what are you gonna tell me?" I ask and she quickly walk. "Wait what are you gonna tell me?" I ask as I start walking . " I forgot let's go." she said and I pout. "Okay." I said and hold her hand I can see that she blushed and I just giggled at her face.

Today is our Christmas party ,I just wear  an over sized light blue jacket and white skinny jeans paired with a blue converse shoe. As I got there all the of my classmates are talking but I did'nt see Nako I just wait at the corner of the classroom sipping my coke like a fucking loner I was. 45 minutes go by there is still no sign of Nako.

The party ended Nako didn't come I just sigh as I walking I found a store and a thought came up to my mind I go in and started to pick some chips and soda, I go to the counter to buy it as I leave the store I get my phone from my pocket and message Nako.

To: Cute Rabbit

 I'm going to your house we will going to watch some movies together okay.

I send it and start to run to her house, me and Nako are neighbors so everything will be good and I have no worries since my dad knows that I always go there when I'm bored. As I got there I saw an old guy in front of the house, he notice me and give me a smile. "Oh Minju hello." he said and I smiled back. "Hello sir." I said and he look at the two plastic bag that I have and chuckled.

"What do you have there young lady?" she ask and i smiled widely. '"Just some junk foods and sodas for my best friend." I said and he look at me. "You mean the little girl living in that house?" he said and I nodded. "Can I ask you a question?" He ask and I nodded. "How old is that little girl?" He ask. "Uhm 16 sir, why?" I ask and he started to laugh. "Really I thought she was 9 or 10.' he said.

I started to laugh because this is always happen when every person saw Nako and they always thought she was a child and sometimes I was mistaken as her babysitter. "Uhm girl why are you here?" He ask. "Oh I'm here because me and my friend are going to watch a movie." I said and his smile disappeared when I say it. 

"Does your friend tell you that she going to America?" he said and my eyes widen. "Uhm sir what?" I ask. "The girl and her family move out and they go to America I don't know why but earlier I saw a van and I can see they putting their stuff there and they immediately leave." he said and I can feel my tears are running down to my cheeks.

I go home and immediately go to my room to and laid my body and started to cry. "Why did'n you tell me..." I muttered and I remembered yesterday that she have something important to say but was cut off and I ruffled my hair. "Aish Nako you pabo..." I muttered and keep crying and keep thinking why she leave me.


Oh mah gahd 1122 words its been a long time since i made a long chap enjoy.


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