"Mind your own business, bitch"

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Ever since I was young, I knew there was someone I was meant to protect. Someone I was meant to stand by and give my life too. While most frown at the thought of serving another, I believe my purpose is that of great honor. That was until I met Jotaro Kujo.

Imagine this: At the tender age of 17 and a half, a girl is told she's possessed (for life that is). And that this not only happened to her grandfather but will most likely happen to her child or grandchild. Now imagine being told that her feeling of being incomplete since birth was for a reason: and that reason was that her soul is tied to some random guy with a star on the back of his neck. But this doesn't matter to her. Why? Because she is a Zeppeli! And with her grandfather's soul, she will become the guiding force of the savior of the world! Or so she thought...finding the savior of the world is harder than I thought...

Today was the start of my senior year, and though I knew I would be going on some adventures with the savior of the world soon, I still had to get mundane things like graduation and a good paying job out of the way. So with a pep in my step and eyes weary from lack of sleep, I entered the school.

I had my schedule in hand and looked up and down the entire school for where my first class was. As you can tell, I'm not the best at navigating old Japanese school buildings like this. The halls were filling up with other students all frantic to be on time and start the first day right. From down the hall, I could spot a sign that read 'B-2' and let out a sigh of relief knowing I was where I needed to be. Before I could step into the classroom I felt someone brush past me in a rush to get to their homeroom.

My eyes widen. When they touched me, a jolt of electricity went down my spine.

And it was then that I knew I had found them.

I quickly turned to see who it was that touched me but was met with a sea of kids pushing past each other. I looked left and right to see If I can maybe point the person out but It was futile. The morning bell had rung and most students had begun filing into the classrooms and quickly taking their seats for the year. With a sigh, I went and took my seat before I was called out by the Sensei, thinking about the Joestar kid who I had found and then lost again.


The day went on and though I spent my passing periods and lunch hoping to find the one student (out of hundreds) with the last name Joestar, I came up with nothing. This cursed school was so damn huge and the students are constantly running around like mice; It makes it impossible to find one kid.

As the evening bell rung, I packed my stuff and ran through the school one last time. When I opened the door to the stairwell, I was met with a cloud of cigarette smoke and the glare of a student who I thought was a grown man. Our eyes didn't meet for long as I had to cover my mouth and wave away the toxic cloud, repressing a cough or two. "Is this all from you? Your lungs must be black."

He ignored me, and with a 'Tch' he walked out after he gave me his wisdom for today.

"Mind your own business, B****"

And he was gone before I could react.



Hi everyone! Been a long time since I wrote but I'm currently obsessed with Jojo so you know what that means! Now I'm not that far into part 4 so no spoilers. I'll probably let y'all know where I am and such.

This story is meant to take place before the events of Stardust Crusaders when Jotaro is first figuring out his stand. Just a note for the future of this story, I will not be writing about any of the events that actually take place in Stardust Crusaders so no Egypt, Dio, Kakyoin, Polnareff, and Advol despite how much I love them all. I will only mention them. I plan for this story to take a time skip after Jotaro leaves for Egypt to keep the events in Cairo cannon.

I hope this doesn't bother anyone. Thank you for reading!

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