"Goodnight (Y/N)."

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"You don't get to decide that Jotaro," I stated firmly, holding my ground. 

"Listen here (Y/N) and listen very closely. If I say you aren't going then you aren't going. That is final."

We stood toe to toe giving each other challenging and defiant glares. He wouldn't dare move and neither would I. The almost murderous air wafted around us as both our chests rose and fell with shallow breaths.

"If you want to order me around, you're going to have to show me you are worthy." His eyes widened at the words that sounded unnatural coming from me. I didn't like the taste they left in my mouth. He is worthy, everyone here knows it. "Come at me Jotaro! I wanna see you try to keep me from going on that plane with you."

"I'm not fighting you, idiot."

Gemini manifested and we both gripped onto Jotaro's arm. The strength from both of us allowed me to flip Jotaro so that he landed flat on his back, a loud crash follows.  My shield was at his neck, my boot pressed the shield into his throat steadily. "You don't own me Jotaro Kujo. I'm going on that trip whether you like it or not."

Star's violet hand threw a punch towards me and Gemini appeared fast as a bullet, holding her sword with two hands and keeping the fist from connecting. "Face it Jotaro, until you overpower me, you have no reason to complain about me going to Egypt. I'm the strong one here." Gemini began overcoming Star's strength,  forcing his fist farther and farther away from me.

"You're just a little girl with a tendency to get on my nerves." He said through gritted teeth, his cap casting a shadow over his eyes.

Star Platinum grabbed ahold of Gemini's shoulders with two quick and precise movements. He let out one loud "ORA!" and headbutted Gemini. I let out a shriek and held my head to keep it from spinning. All my nerves were shooting off at the same time as immense amounts of pain continuously throbbed. Jotaro took the time to stand and face me.

"You're delusional if you think you're going. Step down Zeppeli!" He shouted. Star Platinum's fist came flying for my face. But it stopped suddenly. I had already braced myself for a punch that never came. Star had noticed something I hadn't

A tear?

My shoulders shook with the weight of sadness as a single tear fell down my cheek, and two more followed. Star tried to reach out and brush the tear away gently but I moved my head away before I could.

"Don't you dare pity me." I spat. I moved my arm to wipe away the tears leaking from my eyes. Another pang shot through my heart and even more pain and sorrow washed over me. Words repeated in my head that never left my lips.

You're weak that's why he doesn't want you there!

You foolish girl. You are the one not worthy of your name.

My upper lip quivered as I brought my arms up to hold myself. Everything was falling a once, and my confused state shoved more and more insecurities down. My attempt to hold myself together was failing.

A warm hand grazed past mine and soon returned to grip it. His hand was clearly bigger than mine, his fingers wrapping my entire hand with warmth. He said nothing as he walked past my form in the doorway and continued to say nothing as we walked outside and to my apartment. Our hands remained awkwardly intertwined as he led me toward my apartment.  The silence was killing me, he must have known that.

"I want you to know that I think you are very capable."

The once dark place in my heart caught fire with a spark.

"My intentions are good. I don't want you going because I know you will try to trade your life for mine like an idiot. I can't have that." 

By the time we stood in front of my door, my heart was blazing. My eyes remained interested in my feet as we sat in comfortable silence. A small smile ghosted my lips as I mulled over his words. I'm capable...

"I'm sorry for bursting into tears in front of you. I was just... overwhelmed"

"Don't apologize for that." He assured me, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Thank you. For comforting me."

He lets out his signature "Good grief" and places a hand on my head. I turned slowly to look at him for the first time since we fought.

"I thought fate was tying us together. What makes you think anyone but me would be more qualified to take care of you?"

I could tell his guard was down around me. His words were unnaturally sweet and it drew me closer. The image of a 'close friend and leader' was fading and my hearts pace sped up, ready to spontaneously combust. 

"W-Would you like to come in?" I invited, moving to finally unlock the door and escape the open world and it's slightly cool breeze.

"I think I should head back and talk to the old man." He said, softly denying my invitation. I nodded and stepped inside, hiding behind the door. We met eyes again to say our goodbyes.

"Okay, then I won't keep you longer. Goodnight Jotaro." I spoke softly, a little disappointed that he would be leaving so soon.

"We'll talk tomorrow. Expect me at lunch." He says.

Before I could close my door, Jotaro stuck his hand out and forced the door open a little more. He brought his face closer to mine and planted a kiss on my cheek. He pulled away and smirked at the way my face turned red.

"Goodnight (Y/N)." He says, walking away as if the exchange never occurred.


My heart...I love Jotaro...

I was thinking about doing the GioGio story and maybe setting up a Jojo one-shot book since my mind has been pretty scattered with unused scenarios and story ideas for the characters I am being introduced to. Like yeah, I wanna write a GioGio story but I also wanna write a story for Jolyne and Weather and Gyro and Johnny and it's a lot. But there are also a lot of Jojo one-shot books out there so maybe I shouldn't. 

I don't know. Would you like me writing requests and such?

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