"Hurry up before I change my mind."

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I'm not a stalker. I promise I'm not a stalker. Just because I've been following Jotaro around for the past week does not mean I am a stalker by any means! It's not like I'm doing it without his permission...or with his permission. That doesn't matter! I'm (Y/n) Zeppeli damn it! And if I wanna sit next to Jotaro then I will!

"You know (Y/N), I think Jojo may like you." Spoke Hatsune

"Yeah. He actually ALLOWS your presence. That's unheard of." Hatsuna chimed in, sipping her drink and looking off at the field where the baseball team usually practiced after school."Maybe it's because he learned to deal with her stalking him all day." she whispered to herself. A blush grew on my face and I quickly denied any claims that I was, in fact, a stalker.

"Hmm...you think Jojo would ever allow me to follow him like (Y/n)?" Hatsuno mused. Bringing her gaze to the sky. The two girls gasped and even I was a little surprised at her words. Hatsuno had been in a relationship despite being one of the Jotaro fan club founders.

"Did something happen with lover boy?" Hatsuna asked, turning her attention to Hatsuno who sighed and looked like she was on the brink of tears. Now thinking about it, She hadn't matched energies with Hatsune and Hatsuna for the past two days. Suddenly, the floodgates to her eyes opened and she held her hand in her heads.

"W-We broke up...or rather I broke up with him." She chocked out. Hatsuna and I flanked either side of her as we rubbed her back and attempted to calm her down.

"What happened?" Hatsune asked, a hint of rage building in her small form.

"Well...I told him I wasn't exactly ready to have sex with him yet...and he got mad at me." My hand continued to rub her back, urging her to speak more on the subject. "I told him that if he couldn't respect my wishes, then I was going to break up with him...You can guess how that went.." she trailed off.

"Forget him." Hatsune and Hatsuna spoke in unison. "You still have us."

"All of us." I added. The trio looked up at me and smiled. I think I found my Squad.


"A stand is a manifestation of ones figh-MMM!" I was cut off by Jotaro's hand covering my mouth. I tried to sneak in bits and pieces of information about his stand whenever I was around him. He hated it so much that he tried to immediately shut me up the moment I uttered the word "Stand". I grip his hand and tear it from my face, knowing he won't hesitate to suffocate me. He took a long drag and then smoldered the light of the cigarette on the arm of the bench we shared. "Do you think I can't see the violet man?"

"Oh, I know you can. I don't think you'll see when he snaps your neck if you mention him again. He isn't exactly the friendliest."

"You could never do that to your best friend Jotaro-san!"

"I told you to call me Jojo you fucking greaser."

"Don't call me a greaser you fucking Jap!" I retorted, driving my elbow into his side. I soon stopped once I felt the eyes of about 5 Japanese guys and girls staring at me for calling Jotaro a Jap. Their gazes pierced my heart and I attempted to hide my face out of embarrassment.

"Good grief. Now you've made a fool of yourself."

"Shut up!" I pouted. "Just take me home already."

"Who said I was taking you home?"

"You're gonna make me walk home when it's getting close to dark?" I said standing and fixing my skirt. He remained silent for a bit so I turned to face him with my hands on my hips. "Would Ms.Holly approve of this behavior Jojo?"

"I'm not sure she'd exactly like me hanging around some Italian. You gonna leave me for an American too, greaser?"

"We weren't even alive then! I had no control over Italy! I'm not some coward!" 

"Good grief. Don't get yourself worked up over it." He says, standing and walking in the direction of my home. "Hurry up before I change my mind."


FIller for the soul.

I'm writing the Giorno fic scared as fuck because I know someone in the main squad dies and I don't know who and it's fucking me up and honestly, I just hope it isn't Bruno or Narancia because I will flip.

In other news: I can't wait to see David productions animate Weather Report walking on his toes.

I've been listening to this song while writing this and just ugh.....like your his Gatsby Woman (T.T)

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