"I love you (Y/N) Zeppeli! Please wait for me!"

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Two days later, I sat in the back of a car issued to Mr.Joestar by the Speedwagon Foundation. Jotaro was to my left and his new friend was to my right. Mr.Joestar and Avdol sat up front cracking small jokes and talking about the trip.

I remained silent in my sorrows. Anxiety was crawling up my back as I replayed every possible thing that could go wrong in Egypt. The thing was, no one knew what faced them. They could be just fighting Dio or facing many of his agents of darkness. We were all cast in shadow.

Jotaro's strong hand enveloped mine and squeezed. He didn't move his eyes from the window but I knew his touch was his way of calming. Of assuring me that he would return just as he said and he would tell me the stories of his bizarre adventures. I squeezed his hand in return, letting him know his efforts were appreciated. The airport wasn't far, our moments were being cut short

"Jotaro I don't believe you properly introduced me to Madame Zeppeli," Kakyoin spoke up, trying to break the crushing silence.  Madame? It was true I hadn't really known anything about who he was and could barely pronounce his name. But I wasn't exactly pleased that Jotaro had this new transfer student join him. I was jealous. I wanted to be by Jotaro's side too...

With a sigh and not even so much as a glance, he introduced me. "(Y/N) Zeppeli, she's a family friend." Ouch. Friend?

"She won't be joining us will she? I'd hate to see such a beautiful lady hurt." Jotaro's eye twitched when he saw Kakyoin grab my hand and lift it to his lips, leaving a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. "It's great to meet you, My name is Kakyoin. Noriaki Kakyoin. I hope we can be friends." I mustered a smile at his introduction.

"That won't be necessary." Spoke Jotaro as he swiped my hand from his grip and placed it back in my lap, his hand lingering on mine. He must be the possessive type. "She's going to stay in Japan and wait for my return."

The car came to a stop and Mr.Joestar turned to face the three of us in the back.

"We're here!"

Everyone except for Jotaro and I piled out of the car and headed to the back to retrieve their stuff. I looked at Jotaro and struggled to hold onto the tear that was fighting to escape. I had been crying too much in the past 3 chapters.

I was the one to pounce on him where he sat. I buried my head deep into his chest, not ever wanting to forget the feel of his body against mine. It was a new feeling but it was one I would treasure forever. I took deep inhales trying to get his scent to fill my entire being. And he complied, letting me enjoy our last few moments together.

"I should get my bags." He said softly, placing a hand on my arm. I nodded into his chest and pulled away, allowing him to step out the car. He held the door as I jumped down and followed him to the back where his stuff was.

We all entered the airport together. The guys focused on getting everything together and went to check in their bags. Once the last bag was on the belt, they all turned to you. Mr.Joestar was the first to speak.

"Thank you for coming to see us off (y/n)." I nodded and gave Mr.Joestar the biggest hug I could muster. Pulling away, I managed a nod and wave to Avdol. Next was Kakyoin, I grabbed his hand and shook it steadily.

"I hope we become friends too. Please take care of Jotaro for me." I said bowing. He assured me he would and so now all that was left to do was face Jotaro.

I stood in front of his tall form with words too shy to leave my lips. I'm not going to b able to talk, but I could at least show him how much I love him one last time.

I jumped and reached my arms to wrap around his neck. He was only sort of caught off guard and stumbled back two steps. Our lips locked and it was as if we were the only ones standing in this airport, no, this world. A single tear fell down my cheek.

I pulled away and Jotaro gently placed e back on the floor. I wiped away the stray tear and finally mustered up the courage to speak.

"Be safe...dumbass" 

"I will, Greaser." 

You nodded at the group. Everyone turned on their heels and made their way towards the terminals, waving at you as they retreated. And I waved back.

It was time for me to return home. Return to my lonely apartment and to my boring school girl life. Thoughts of Jotaro spun in my head as I started to walk back towards the exit. I almost missed his last call, but hearing the perfect way he said my name made me turn around and see him standing in the hallway. He cupped his hands around his mouth and let out one loud yell:

"I love you (Y/N) Zeppeli! Please wait for me." I blinked at his words. He finally said it!

Star Platinum appeared and Jotar tore off the second button of his uniform, handing it to Star. The stand prepared to throw the small thing, getting into strong pitcher form and chucking the button down the hall to where I stood. Gemini appeared and caught the button, dropping it into my hands. 

I examined the button, wondering why he would ruin his uniform to give this to me. Then it hit me:

This is the button closest to his heart

I held the button to my chest.

I'll wait for you Jotaro. Please return to me safely.


There it is. The last chapter!

It's been a wonderful ride you guys and I'd like to take the moment to thank you all for sticking with me and enjoying my writing. Your kind words warm my heart and its a pleasure to write for you all.

I can't wait to immerse you all into another romance of my creation.

Epilogue coming soon 💕

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