"Will you shut the hell up!"

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Never had I ever seen an entire sidewalk closed down by a bunch of random Japanese school girls. They huddled together like sardines and I couldn't help but wonder what poor thing was being swarmed by them. It wasn't till after I saw the guy who called me a 'bitch' yesterday in the middle of the crowd that my sentiments disappeared with the wind.

Before I could take a step forward his eyes turned to meet mine. I was frozen.

Is he looking at me? I thought to myself before slowly turning my head to see if anyone was behind me. Maybe he recognizes me from yesterday? I faced forward and tried my best to be nice and wave at him. His eyes remained unchanged and his stare only got more intense. I wonder if he can see stands. But just as my thought finished, the screams of the girls snapped me out of my trance and he walked past the school gates.

I finally took my steps toward the school entrance and tailed a good distance behind the mob. The girl's loud voices rang until:

"Will you shut the hell up?! You're all fucking annoying!"

It was silent for two seconds before the girls started back up again pleading to be yelled at and acknowledged again. They stopped following him after he entered the school and instead stood around to socialize with each other, most likely still talking about him. I took the time to approach them:

"Hey, would you mind telling me the name of the guy that yelled at you guys?" I asked one of the girls. The small circle of about three girls all turned to me and gasped.

"You don't know who Jotaro is?" they all said in unison. I smiled and shook my head, eager to learn about the 'Jotaro' with a staring and smoking problem.

"Jotaro Kujo is the most handsome and coolest guy in the whole school! You should really get with the program-uh..sorry what was your name again?"

"Zeppeli (Y/N). I transferred here from Akiba."

"Oh, you're new." spoke a second girl. "Then you must find Jojo attractive too right?" I wasn't exactly sure what to say in response to her question. If I squinted maybe he as cute? All I know is that I had to figure more out about him. And these three girls may just be the key.

"Yeah, I think he's very um...Cute? Very dark and mysterious type." The girls nodded in agreement and began introducing themselves.

"I'm Hatsune Yuki."

"Hatsuna Miluki."

"and Hatsuno Fumiyuki. We are the founders of the Jotaro Kujo fan club here!" I had struck gold.

"How cool! Would you mind filling me in on some stuff about Jotaro?" I asked. All three girls nodded and walked with me into the school building, talking about nothing but Jotaro Kujo.


By now I knew his entire schedule. I knew most things about him in fact. I think I knew too much about him. Yuki, Miluki, Fumiyuki, and I spent all of our break and lunch together. These girls made a habit of watching Jotaro during most of these times. They gossiped with other girls and continued to feed me bits and pieces about Jotaro that made me even more curious. 

"Hey guys, I totally forgot about what I saw walking home yesterday!" Exclaimed Miluki at the lunch table. Everyone including me turned our attention to her as she told us her story.

"I saw Jojo fight two grown men yesterday!" Everyone gasped and in my mind, I could only wonder how could he have possibly managed that looking like a grown man himself.

"I was walking home and I saw two guys trying to hurt him for not respecting his elders! Can you believe someone would pick a fight with Jotaro?" There were murmurs of girls defending him until I finally spoke up

"Did he fight them?"

"Of course he did! And it was the coolest thing. He moved so fast sometimes it looked like he wasn't even the one punching them! our Jotaro is so strong." All the girls sighed collectively as they thought fondly of him. I had heard enough so I stood up from the bench we sat on and gave the girls my goodbyes.

If what Miluki says is true, then that boy might have a stand. The only way to figure this out besides asking him is to see if he reacts to my stand.


Okay but like

Josuke Higashikata as lead singer in a 3 person boy group called Pomp and Circumstance.

My heart would melt he's such a precious son

Chase {Jotaro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now