The movie

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"I'm so glad your mine," she whispered to him."

"Back atcha," he replied.

/\ \/

"Wanna go watch a movie," Hanyu asked Suwa as they were walking back from school.

"Really? Sure," she said happily.

Hanyu held her hand," what kind of movie?"

She thought for a second," horror," she smiled.

"Wow, I didn't take you as the horror type."

"Ooo shady," she laughed.

Hanyu playfully pushed her which made her laugh even more. Hanyu Smiled at her with so much care. He liked her, he really liked her.

The rest of the way there was filled with jokes and laughter. Suwa was really happy with Hanyu and she wasn't afraid to admit it.

Hanyu held the door open for Suwa as she walked in. She hasn't been in a Cinema in a long time, her first time back was with her first boyfriend.

She looked around at all the movies that were being held. The smell of popcorn filled her nose as she walked to the desk.

Hanyu gave the cashier money for him and Suwa to watchce the only horror movie showing. They got a big bowl of popcorn and two small drinks.

"Promise me you won't throw popcorn when you get jump scared," Suwa joked.

"Funny I was about to tell you the same thing," he joked back.

They walked into a room for the movie and sat in the closet row they could which was the second row.

Suwa sat down and propped her feet on the chair in front of her and grabbed the popcorn out of Hanyu's hands.

He looked at her with a smirk and she just began to eat the popcorn. A couple minutes later the commercials came on.

Finally after what seemed like hours, the movie started. Suwa sank down into her chair just Incase she got scared she could just act like she was sleeping.

Once the movie was over Suwa was shaking. She had been jumpstarted so many times. She had jumped and then held onto Hanyu's arm who smiled at her.

His smile calmed her down so she went back to watching
But then she would get scared again and the cycle would repeat.

Her heart rate was up as they walked out. She had her hand on her chest,"that was a really scary movie," she said in a trembling voice.

"It was kinda scary," he replied with a smirk.

Suwa playfully hit him," you know it was scary."

She looked at him," feel my heart."

She grabbed Hanyu's hand and placed it on the center of her chest. He could feel her heart racing. Bum bum..bum bum..

Hanyu looked at her in suprise," I'm so sorry."

'It's fine' she mouthed to him. They walked outside in the chilly spring air. Coldness washed over Suwa and she began to shiver.

Hanyu saw this and brought him to her in hopes of warming her up with his body heat.

Suwa wrapped her arms around him and smiled signaling she is getting warmer.

"I enjoyed this," Hanyu said breaking the silence that surrounded them.

Suwa nodded her head in reply," me too."

"How was your time with Hanyu?" Suwa's mom asked as soon as she walked in the door.

"It was fun, we went to see a movie," Suwa kicked off her shoes at the door and walked up to her room.

She dropped her backpack onto the floor and got put a notebook. 'Ugh homework' she said to herself as she grabbed a pencil and began to work on some math problems.

A couple minutes later Suwa accidentally dozed off. She was about to answer another problem when she noticed her eyes getting heavy.

She thought she could finish her last three problems, but by the second she had fallen asleep.

Her mother walked into her room to ask her something and saw that suwa was asleep. Her mom smiled at her laying her head down on her table.

She walked over to Suwa," Suwa dear, you might not want to fall asleep on your desk. Your back will hurt tomorrow."

Suwa lazily lifted her head and blinked her eyes multiple eyes. She looked at her mom and then the clock, 11:27 p.m. she read.

Suwa thanked her mom and got dressed in her pajamas and hopped in bed.


Suwa woke up, lazily getting out of her bed. Her sister came in her room," Suwa come on we are going to be late," she whined.

It wasn't her sister...well it was, it was just a younger version. 'What is going on?' Suwa questioned herself.

"Umm...okey?" She walked to her door and shut it.

She rubbed her eyes in high hopes she was just seeing and hearing things.

She walked to her closet and got dressed. She wore a red short with the words 'wake me up tomorrow' and Jean's with a couple holes.

She grabbed her backpack and walked downstairs. Her mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast,"Morning baby bear," she said cheerfully.

"M-mom? What are you doing home?"

"What do you mean silly, I am always home in the mornings."

Suwa knew something wasn't right. Maybe she was transported to another universe or she had somehow gone back in time.

"I'm just going to go to Xin Long's," suwa said as she left her house.

She walked over to his house and knocked on the door. Xin Long's Mother opened the door," Excuse me Ms.He, is Xin Long here?" She asked.

"Why is that your business?"

Suwa was dumbfounded, his mother had never spoke like that to her. His mother had always said 'let me tell him you are here' or she just called out for him.

"He is my friend," she replied plainly

"You are what twenty something, and he is just eight years old," she said coldy.

Suwa was so confused. 'How is this possible?' She asked herself.

"I-I am sorry to bother you Ms.He," she said nicely and walked away from the house.

"Suwa," her mother called out. Her voice was coming from all around Suwa,"Suwa my dear wake up."

Suwa opened her eyes," Mom!" Nobody was there.

A/N: hey guys thank you for reading I hope you had a great day.

Q:How would you act if you suddenly woke up and found out you were in the past, but nobody else was?

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