I'm sorry

258 9 9

July 11

Re-cap: "Hanyu is going to be with us again!"

"Great!" Xin Long said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yah!" Suwa punched Xin Long's shoulder. He looked at her as he put his hand on his shoulder.

"The heck was that for!?"

"You should be glad Hanyu is back! He's your best friend!"

"Ex-best friend. We were friends."

"Now you guys can become friends again, just give him a chance!"

Xin Long agreed and Suwa brought both of them to a restaurant. Never mind school, friends were more important.

The three of them sat there awkwardly. Nobody spoke, and barely even moved.

"Okey guys, lets not become awkward? Okey?"

Xin Long and Hanyu just looked at Suwa. Not how she planned it to be, but oh well.

"What music interests you lately Hanyu?"

"Umm...Be-tea-Yes," He says as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Really? I've liked them a lot recently as well."

"I like Be-tea-Yes as well," Xin Long says.

"Name your favorite song from them," Suwa says, feeling like Xin Long was lying.

"Umm. I like them all!"

"What about sunflower?" Hanyu looks at her, he knows what she's doing.

"That's a good song, yes."

"Hah! Be-tea-Yes doesn't have a song called sunflower."

Xin Long looked down. Now that Hanyu was back, he was afraid, now, more then ever, that Hanyu will get Suwa back.

Suwa and Hanyu continued to talk and Xin Long kept quiet.

After they finished eating Hanyu waved goodbye and walked to school first.

"Suwa," Xin Long grabs her hand.

"Yes? What's wrong Xin?"

"Umm...nothing," he says as he rubs his neck.

Suwa smiled and kissed his cheek," I still like you Xin Long, that won't change."

This made Xin Long feel a little but better. Xin Long walked quietly behind Suwa as she walked to school. They parted at a stop sign so it wouldn't be suspicious.

Suwa waited at the stop sign while Xin Long walked to school first. She looked around and stood there patiently until she couldn't make out his figure anymore.

She began walking to school, but stopped when she saw something peeking from behind a corner. Curiosity getting the best of her, she walked around the corner, to her surprise it was Hanyu,"Hanyu!" She yelled,"What on earth are you doing?!"

"I wanted to make sure you got to school safe..." Hanyu rubbed the back of his neck.

Suwa smiled at him," aww really?"

Hanyu looked down, his checks turned a faint red, he was blushing. He looked up at her and shook his head yes.

Hanyu still had feelings for her. She was so cute, the way she would sometimes tie up her hair, the way she loved her friends, the way she hugged him, she gave the best hugs. He missed her, but didn't want to admit it.

Suwa grabbed his hand and walked to school with him. The whole way there was quiet. Nobody spoke, the only noise was their footsteps.

Finally they made it to school when the lunch bell rang, perfect timing. They would be able to sneak into school easily now.

Xin Long walked out of the school and saw Suwa holding Hanyu's hand. What happened while he was gone?

Later that day Xin Long walked home with Suwa, but they didn't speak to each other. Maybe they weren't right for each other.

Suwa looked at Xin Long Who was deep in thought, she didn't know what to say to him. She knew he was jealous that she was getting close with Hanyu again, but she wanted to tell him she didn't like Hanyu, but what good would that do? She's told him that before yet here they are.

She looked back down at the ground while they walked. Maybe they just weren't meant to be together. Maybe they were better off friends like before.

"Xin Long..." she finally got the nerve to say. It was now, or continue to play the same game over and over.

"Hmm," He says as he's still lost deep in his thoughts.

"Maybe we should just be friends," she fiddled with her thumbs,"I've been thinking and...I think we were better as friends."

Xin Long looked at her surprised.

A/n: How would you like this story to end?

Also sorry this is short

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