Chapter 7

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Dad pulled the car up in front of a food truck called "Chicken Feed." Not this place again. Dad and I got out of the car leaving Connor by himself. We walked up to the food truck and were approached by Pedro as we ordered. "Hey, hey, hey... Hank!" Pedro called to Dad, "How you doin' man?"

"¡Ese!" Dad called back and gave him a "man hug." I rolled my eyes as Connor walked up to us. No matter how many times I talk to him about the gambling and this food truck he still does it. Well, at least it's not an addiction like his alcoholism.

It looked like Pedro just realized I was here too, "Well if it ain't the lovely (y/n), didn't see ya there."

He always tries flirting with me at any chance he gets. At least he's not a dick like Gavin. I sighed, "Hi, Pedro."

He turned back to Dad, "Anyways, Hank, listen I got a shit-hot tip for you. Number five in the third. The filly's one hell of a chaser. You wanna flutter?"

(A/n: I have no clue what I just typed. But it was actual dialogue in the game so I just wrote what it said.)

"Last shit-hot tip you gave me set me back a week's wages, Pedro..."

Pedro scoffed, "Come on, this is different, it's 100% guaranteed. You can't go wrong."

"Yeah, right..." Dad said skeptically, "Alright I'm in."

He handed Pedro the money, "Damn straight!"

Pedro started to walk off, "Hey! You won't regret this!"

Dad noticed Connor, "What is your problem? Don't you ever do as you're told? Look, you don't have to follow me or (y/n) around like a damn poodle!"

"I'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station," Connor apologized, "I didn't mean to be unpleasant."

"Oh, wow... You've even got a brown-nosing apology program!" Dad commented chuckling a little. Look's like he's already warming up to Connor, "Guys at CyberLife thought of everything, huh?"

Gary turned around and gave us our food. "Thanks, Gary," I said as we walked off.

"Don't leave that thing here!" he called after us. He had definitely meant Connor.

"Huh, not a chance! Follows us everywhere..." Dad called back.

"This Pedro..." Connor began, "He was proposing illegal gambling, am I right?"

"Yeah," Dad answered.

"And you made a bet?"

"Yes, ironic right? A cop gambling," I cast a look at my father. He just shrugged.

Connor looked confused but dropped the question, "Do you eat here often?"

"Yes, but him more than me," I answered.

"Your meals contain 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level," Connor stated, "You shouldn't eat that."

Dad took a defiant bite of his burger, "Everybody's gotta die of something."

I rolled my eyes, "I've been on his ass about this for years. It's not going to get him to stop."

"Hey, language!" Dad scolded.

I raised my eyebrows, "I am a grown ass woman, I can say whatever the hell I want. Besides, you're really not in a position to criticize, you use the word 'fuck' in every other sentence."

"Is there anything you'd like to know about me?" Connor asked.

"Hell no," Dad said, "Well, yeah, um... Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice/"

I elbowed him in the ribs and shot him a glare. "CyberLife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration."

"They did well," I complimented at the exact same time Dad said, "Well they fucked up."

Connor and Dad looked at me in surprise. They both seemed to be waiting for my explanation. "The CyberLife team tasked with him must have spent months or even years designing Connor," I said looking at my father. Then I turned to the android, "They designed you very well. If you didn't have that LED and jacket you would look like and ordinary person."

They were quiet for a second. Then Connor spoke up, "Maybe I should tell you what what we know about deviants?"

"You read my mind..." Dad waved his hand, "Proceed."

"We believe that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids, which can lead to them emulating human emotion," Connor explained.

"In English please," Dad interrupted.

"It means, they don't really feel emotions, they kind of just get overwhelmed with irrational instructions. Which leads to them lashing out."

I didn't believe for a second that's what actually happened but I didn't want to seem suspicious. Since androids can think therefore they can feel. The mind generates the emotions from signals sent to the brain. It's how we work, and the human brain functions the same way a computer would, which androids have. Androids should theoretically be able to receive those signals also, causing them to feel emotions.

(A/N: This is actually how a human brain works. Computers work the same way, I know because I'm in a programming class. I tried to make it seem like it would make sense in how androids can feel. Hope you enjoyed this brief science/technology lesson.)

"Correct," Connor confirmed.

"Ho do you know so much about androids?" Dad asked me.

"Well, Dad, there's this nifty thing called research. If you tried it from time to time you might actually learn something."

Dad rolled his eyes and ignored my teasing, "Emotions always screw everything up... Maybe androids aren't as different from us as we thought. You ever dealt with deviants before?"

Connor looked like he was remembering something, "Two months back... A deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl... I managed to save her..."

"I remember hearing about that," I commented, "A PL600 model android. The deviant was destroyed though."

"So I guess you've done all your homework, right?" Dad asked Connor, "Know everything there is to know about us?"

"I know both of you graduated top of your classes. I know that you, Lieutenant, made a name for yourself in several cases and became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit. I also know you've received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars. And you, Detective, became the youngest female officer to become detective. You are a great officer with a nearly perfect record and one of the few humans in Detroit that are pro android. But, I unfortunately, don't know much more about you."

"So what's your conclusion?"

"I think working with officers with different personal issue is an added challenge. Especially when your personalities mildly conflict with each other," Connor admitted.

"But adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features," he winked at me.

Hank POV

(A/N: You were expecting Connor but it was actually me, [Dio] Hank!)

I can't believe this shit. This fuckin' piece of plastic just flirted with my daughter. In front of me. And I bet neither of them know that's what he's doin'.

It's pretty clear that they're both interested in each other. I know (y/n) is pro android and all but she seems to take an extra liking to him. And Connor, well, it's obvious with the way he looks t her like a lost puppy. Jesus Christ, I don't think I can take this lovey-dovey shit. Specially id it's with my daughter. Fuckin' androids.

(y/n) raised her eyebrows and Connor started blinking rapidly as his LED flashed yellow before returning to blue, "I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's a few blocks away. We should have a look."

"I'll let you finish your meals. I'll be in the car if you need me," the android said before walking back to the car.

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