Chapter 15

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This chapter is a lot shorter than most but I felt like the next one would be really long with it. Plus, I thought it was cute enough of a filler chapter to not annoy you with the short length.

(y/n) POV

My brain didn't process things correctly when I first woke up. The following is the exact order of my observations and thoughts upon waking up. First, while my eyes were still closed, I noticed that I was laying on something. Originally, I thought Judo might have climbed into my bed even though he's not supposed to. But the next thing I realized was that whatever I was laying on had to be humanoid because someone had wrapped a pair of arms around me. I thought it was (e/n) and that I had dreamed everything from the last year and the thought made me feel a bit sad.

Then, finally, I had the brilliant idea to actually open my eyes. Still bleary eyed and confused, I lifted my head just enough to squint at the form of Connor laying partially underneath me. He had removed his jacket and tie (and hopefully his shoes) and had his eyes closed as though he was asleep. With hindsight being 20/20, I should have known that he was the only one who it could have been. But for some reason it hadn't crossed my mind even once that it could've been him.

I was still unsure I was actually seeing what I thought I was, "Connor?"

His eyes opened immediately, "Good morning, (y/n)."

"What are you doing in my bed?" since I was still half asleep I didn't realize how suggestive that might sound. If he noticed, he didn't point it out. And neither of us bothered to make an attempt at moving away from the other.

"I wanted to try sleeping."

I yawned and pointed out the obvious, "Androids don't sleep."

"We do have a form of temporary stasis while waiting for new instructions."

"Like sleep mode on a computer?" I asked.

"That's a fair comparison," he agreed.

I yawned again and went back to my original position of having my face buried in his chest, "How'd you like 'sleeping?'"

"It was... different, nice even," he answered. Then in a barely audible voice it sounded like he said, "But I'd like doing anything that involves with being near you," but it easily could have been part of my imagination since it was so quiet and I was in the process of falling back to sleep.

We stayed like that for a while with me slowly dozing off again. It could have only a few moments or it could have been a matter of hours. In my tired state I couldn't tell nor would I have even cared. But the moment was ruined when Connor started trying to wake me back up, "(y/n)? ... (y/n)? Your breathing is very rhythmic, telling me that you're asleep or at least partially asleep. I hate to make you uncomfortable but you need to wake up."

The rudest part of my awakening was him trying to remove his arms from around me and gently trying to push me off of him. Stubbornly I remained in my position and buried my face deeper into his chest, "Five more minutes."

He sighed, "Detective, there's been an incident. We need to leave."

The lack of familiaries caught my attention to the gravity of the situation. I sat up begrudgingly, "Fine. What's happened?"

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