Chapter 1

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My eyes fluttered open as I woke up. At first I thought it was a normal day, but then I remembered and immediately sat up and looked over at Mabel's bed.

"Happy Birthday!" I shouted.

"Mabel, come on, wake up."

I got off my bed and went over to hers. I took the blanket off of her and, strangely, she wasn't there.

She must've already gotten up. I guess that makes sense, seeing as it is our big day.

I quickly got dressed, put my hat on, and went downstairs.

"Happy Birthday!" shouted Grunkle Stan, Great Uncle Ford, Soos, and Wendy as I walked into the kitchen. But still no Mabel.

There was a cake on the table with me and Mabel's name on it and streamers were hanging on the walls.

"Aw, thank you guys," I said, "But where's Mabel?"

They all looked confused. "I thought she was upstairs with you," said Grunkle Stan.

"She wasn't in her bed when I woke up. You guys seriously haven't seen her?"

They shook their heads.

A worried expression crossed my face. Where could she be?

"She's probably just out doing something. You know, getting you a present or getting extra decorations for the party," suggested Soos.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I said, but there was still a nervous tone in my voice.

"Look, if she doesn't get back soon, we'll go out and look for her, but I think you should stay here and relax. It's a special day for you and Mabel, so I'm sure she'll show up eventually. Besides, this is Mabel we're talkin' about- there's no way she'd miss the party," said Grunkle Stan.

I smiled weakly. "Yeah, I guess your right."

"I'm always right kid. Now go upstairs and read a book or something. I'll call you down when we find her," he said.

I chuckled at his response and then went back upstairs.

I didn't really know what to do to pass the time so I just went on my phone and played games.

About an hour or two later, Waddles came up to me, reminding me of Mabel.

Where could she be that would take up so much time? And on our birthday nonetheless. I got up and looked around that room for clues - anything that could possibly give me even the slightest detail about where she is. When I looked under her bed, I saw a bag poking out.

"What is that?" I said to myself.

I grabbed it and looked inside. The first thing I saw was tissue paper.

"Wait..." I whispered.

I took it out and saw a card and a keychain sitting at the bottom.

I gently pulled them both out and stared in awe at the keychain. It was my blue pine tree logo but with my name and the Big Dipper constellation on it. Tears formed at the brim of my eyes as I started to read the note:

Dear Dipper,
Happy Birthday!! I was really looking forward to today. Sucks that I can't be there to celebrate with everyone :/. I wish I could tell you why but I have to hurry. I hope you like your present. I'll see you later brobro. Goodbye <3
~ Mabel

Immediately after reading her note, I started to cry. I gripped the keychain in my hand and ran downstairs to show everyone the letter.

I got down and everyone looked at me, concern shown on there faces.

"What's wrong? What happened?" asked Wendy.

I tried to speak, but for some reason I couldn't get it out.

Grunkle Stan came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Kid, you gotta tell us what's going on," he said.

It was then that I realized I couldn't talk because of how hard I was crying.

With a shaky hand, I gave the letter to Grunkle Stan.

He started reading it out loud and I was on the verge of having a fucking breakdown. I can't hear that letter again. It hurts too much.

Hands still shaky, I cover my ears. I still hear them, but their voices are muffled. I squeeze my eyes shut to stop any more tears from wetting my face.

I start to feel dizzy and I suddenly can't control my own body.


"Guys I think he's waking up," I heard Great Uncle Ford day as my eyes fluttered open.

I was lying in my bed with everyone around me.

"W- What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out," Wendy said softly.

"What time is it?" I said as I sat up.

"8 pm," Soos replied.

"We cancelled the party and told everyone about Mabel," Grunkle Stan quickly chimed in, "If she doesn't show up by tomorrow morning we're gonna file a missing persons report. I think you should get some sleep. You've been out for a long time."

All I could do was nod in response.

They all gave me an empathetic smile and started to walk out. Wendy quickly turned back and pulled something out of her pocket.

"This fell out of your hand," she showed me the keychain Mabel got for me, "Was this in the bag with the letter?"

"Yeah," I replied, unable to look directly at her. I just stared at the keychain.

"Mabel's a great sister and a great friend. I really hope she comes back soon," she said.

Once again, all I could do was nod.

She placed the keychain on my nightstand.

"Th- Thank you."

"No problem dude. I'm going home, but I'll be back tomorrow morning to help you guys out," she said before leaving.

I turned on my side and looked at the keychain.

"Please come back Mabel," I whispered before closing my eyes.

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