Chapter 9

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Gideon snapped his fingers. "Alexis. Edmund. I'm gonna need some help over here."

"Run," Wendy said and we all listened. As expected, Gideon and his henchmen started chasing after us.

"Where the hell is the exit?!" I asked as we ran through door after door after door. How big could the house be? The address that I went to to meet up with Gideon wasn't very big, and this house wasn't too far away and was most likely in the same neighborhood.

"Just keep following us!" Great Uncle Ford shouted back at me.

Finally, we ran through the door that led us outside. Thankfully the car was only a short distance away.

Just before I could open the car door, I heard a loud noise and suddenly felt a piercing pain in my right shoulder. I grasped it and fell to the floor.

"Dipper!" both Mabel and Pacifica, who were standing on opposite sides of me, shouted.

"Don't go near him," Gideon said threateningly.

Still on the floor, I turned myself around and saw that Gideons men were pointing guns at both Mabel and Pacifica. I also noticed a growing puddle of blood.

As they were all standing still, everyone else (Stan, Ford, Wendy, and Soos) ran up to the trio.

Wendy knocked over one guard and Soos pushed down the other while Stan and Ford went for Gideon.

As soon as the guns weren't facing directly at Mabel and Pacifica, they bent down to where I was.

"Shitshitshitshitshit," Pacifica said, unaware of what to do.

"We have to get to a hospital," stated Mabel. "Let's get him in the car."

I continued to clutch my shoulder as I started standing up. Unfortunately, Gideon was able to get passed Stan and Ford pretty easily.

"Where do you think you're going," he said while looking at Mabel.

"Get away from her!" Pacifier shouted as she picked up the gun that he had dropped.

Instead of shooting at him, she used the gun to forcefully whack him on the side of the head, knocking him out as he fell to the ground.

Wendy and Soos were still trying to fight off the guards, but after noticing that Gideon was knocked out, they scurried away, most likely not caring anymore since Gideon wasn't awake to see them slacking off.

Stan rushed to the drivers seat. "Everyone get in!" he commanded.

Luckily, they had brought the van so everyone could fit.

Ford sat in the passengers seat, Wendy and Soos in the very back, and me, Mabel, and Pacifica sat in the first row of back seats.

I sat in between them as they used a random rag that was in one of the seat pockets to try and slow down the rate at which the blood was gushing out of the wound.

"Someone get directions to the nearest hospital," Grunkle Stan said in a rushed and scared tone.

"Here," Wendy said replied and handed her phone to Pacifica who handed it to Stan.

The drive was only about 15 minutes and Pacifica held my hand the entire time while Mabel continued pressing the rag against where I was shot.

Not wanting to waste time on parking, Grunkle Stan stopped in front of the main doors and told Pacifica and Mabel to take me inside.

We all scooted out the door that was closest to the hospital entrance and they helped me stay standing up. Obviously my legs were fine, but it was hard to focus on walking with the unbearable pain in my shoulder.

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