Chapter 4

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"Is this Dipper? I don't have much time, but this is Mabel. I heard you talking to Gideon yesterday. He lied, I am with him. I don't have enough time to explain or tell you exactly where I am, but track the message if you can. And please don't text back or else he'll see that I texted you. He's gonna come to look for his phone soon. Please come. I love you," the text read.

I couldn't think. I couldn't process what I was reading. It made sense that Gideon was lying but... Mabel's okay. Oh my god. She's okay.

I started to cry both happy and worried tears. If he finds out she contacted me, who knows what he'll do to her. Who knows what he's already done. I need to go. Right now.

I immediately called Pacifica. Thankfully, she answered quickly.

"Hey," She said, "What's up?"

"We need to go back to Gideon's house. Now," I told her.

"Why? What happened?"

"I'll tell you in a little bit, just please come."

She was silent for a second. "I'll get to the shack as soon as possible."

"Thank you," I said and hung up.

I started to walk down stairs, using my phone for light.

As quietly as possible, I opened the door, walked out, shut it, and locked it back up.

I sat outside for about 5 minutes before I saw Pacifica biking towards me.

"I came as fast as I could."

"Let's start going. I would say to bring your bike, but we can't both ride it."

She nodded and we started speed walking to Gideons house.

"So," she said, "What was so urgent that we had to go so late?"

I went on my phone and pulled up the text. I took a deep breathe and handed her the phone.

A couple seconds later, I heard her breathing start to slow down.

"...Oh my g- god," she stuttered.

"Yeah, that was my reaction too," I said.

She didn't full on cry like I did, but I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"So she's been with him this whole time?"


"Damn," she whispered.

Not long after, we arrived at Gideons house. All the lights were off and I soon noticed something.

"None of their cars are here..." I said, confused.

"That's... strange," she said and I nodded in agreement.

As we walked closer I realized another thing.

"...The door's open."

"What the fuck," Pacifica said quietly.

The door was cracked open and it was pitch black inside.

I used my phones flashlight to find the light switch and then turned it on.

The place looked messier than last
time and a couple things were missing.

I walked to Gideons door and slowly opened it to see a bed and a couple empty shelves.

"D- Dipper? A- Are you ok?" Pacifica stuttered.

I ignored her question and went on my phone to check what time Mabel sent me the text.

5:52 pm

That was about 7 hours ago.

"Damnit Dipper," I spoke to myself out loud, "You idiot! If you just woke up earlier, you could of come before Gideon found out that she texted you!"

"Hey, it's not your fault," Pacifica reassured me, but it didn't help at all.

"Yes it is! She could be hurt and it's all my fault."

Just as Pacifica was about to say the opposite, I saw light coming from a loose floorboard.

"Wait... what is that?"

"What?" she said as she walked over to me.

We both looked at each other and then went towards it.

I lifted up the board and there was a ladder.

I slowly started going down it and and Pacifica followed.

I reached the bottom to find an empty room with the door wide open.

"...Do you think this is where he kept her?" I heard Pacifica say.

That's exactly what I thought, but no matter how much I tried to get that out, I couldn't.

I felt tears roll down my checks. At first it was only a couple, but more and more started to fall.

"Sh- She was here not t-too l- long ago. M- Mabel was here. W- We're too late."

More and more tears rolled down my face when I thought about that.

I felt Pacifica place her hand on my back.

"It's ok. We're gonna find her," she told me.

"How do you know?" I asked softly as I continued crying.

"I... I don't," she admitted, "But I have hope. As cheesy as that sounds, it's true. She can't stay missing forever. And hey, at least now we have proof that Gideon has her. We can call the police and tell them what we know."

I nodded.

"Is that blood?" she said, taking her hand off my back and completely taking away the positive vibe that she had tried to give me.

"Oh my god... It is."

There were splotches of blood throughout the floor.

I swear to god, Gideon is going to pay for this.

I felt my face and hands start to sweat. My hands went num and they started to shake. My breathing got fast and heavy and my heart rate sped up. I heard Pacifica say something, but I didn't know what.

I put my head in my hands and leaned up against the wall.

...I was having a panic attack.

Images of what I thought Gideon might have done to Mabel flashed through my mind when my eyes shut. It felt like everything was in slow motion as I slid down the wall. My head started pounding and I felt like I was gonna throw up whenever I thought of Gideon.

I heard myself and Pacifica saying things, but I had no idea what.

All I could think about was Mabel.

After what felt like an eternity later, I calmed down, my breathing and heart rate went back to normal, and I opened my eyes.

Pacifica was kneeling down next to me.

"Are you ok?"

"I guess," I said, "How long was that?"

"Probably about 20 minutes."

It felt like so much longer.

"It's gonna be ok. Let's call the police and they can figure this out. You need to go home and relax."

After calling the police, Pacifica took me home. Stan and Ford woke up, wondering what was going on. Pacifica had explained for me. She did a lot to help. I guess she really had changed that first summer. She just didn't show it very often.

The police ran tests on the blood that was in the room and confirmed that it was indeed Mabel's.

Gideon became wanted and posters were put up all over town.

Not much had changed since yesterday. All we knew was that Gideon was the cause of all this.

I Won't Give Up ~ A Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now