Chapter 6

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I told Grunkle Stan that I would walk home today, and as I did, all I could think about was Pacifica. Well, Mabel was in the back of my mind as always, but I was mainly focused on Pacifica. More specifically, our kiss.

I walked into the Shack, still blushing from thinking about it.

"You look happy," smirked Wendy, "What happened?"

My blushing intensified and I scratched the back of my head. "N- Nothing," I stuttered, "Just feeling a bit better than usual."

"Whatever you say," she said before picking up a magazine.

I walked to the attic and went in my room. I shut the door and then slumped down on my bed.

After staying there for a few minutes, I picked up my phone and decided to call Pacifica.

She picked up after 3 rings.

"Hey," I said, nervous but excited.

"Hi!" she responded.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Not much, just finishing up some homework. You?"

"I finished all my homework in class, so I'm just relaxing."

"You finished all your homework? What about makeup work from when you were suspended?"


"Jeez," she said, sounding shocked, "You're a fast worker."

We both laughed.

Just as I was about to say something else, I felt my phone vibrate against my cheek.

"Oh, I'm getting another call. I'll call you back in a sec," I told her.

"Ok, talk to you soon," she said and hung up.

I pulled my phone away to check who was calling but it was just a phone number. I didn't have a contact for whoever it was.

I hit "accept" and pressed the phone back against my face.


"Howdy Pines."

My face dropped when I heard his voice and I stood up.

"Where the fuck are you keeping her?!"

"Go to 3128 Stone Lane. Walk to the forest in front of the house and follow the blue ribbons. When you get to the end, wait for me to come. We'll talk then. Come alone and don't tell anyone where you'll be," he said and then hung up before I could respond.

"3128 Stone Lane," I repeated to myself.

The first thing I did was call back Pacifica.

"Hey," she said, "I was wondering if we could talk about what happened between us today."

"I- Yeah we can. Just not right now. I have to go meet up with someone, but in case something urgent happens come get me, ok? I'll send you where I'll be."

"Oh, ok. I'll call you later then. B- Bye," she hung up.

She sounded a bit disappointed, and I felt bad for putting off the conversation about our kiss, but I had to meet up with Gideon.

I quickly texted her the address, adding that I'd be around the house, not in it.

I grabbed my hat, put the address into my navigation, and walked down the stairs.

"Grunkle Stan?" I shouted as I looked around for him.

"Yeah?" he asked as I walked into the gift shop and saw him at the cash register.

"Would it be ok if I took the golf cart somewhere? I'm meeting up with a friend."

"Yeah sure. Just don't come home to late, ok? And be careful."

"Got it. Thanks!" I said and opened the door.

"No problem kid," he said as I walked out.

I sat in the cart, placed my phone next to me, and checked how long it would take.

An hour and 20 minutes. Great.

I sighed and put in my headphones so that I could listen to music and wouldn't be completely bored.


After what felt like forever, I finally arrived at the house. I parked the cart near a tree where I saw one of the ribbons Gideon told me about. It was tied to a branch. Before I started following them, I checked my notifications. I had 2 missed texts from Pacifica.

"Why do you have to go so far?"

"Is everything ok?"

I sighed and decided not to open our chat so she wouldn't know that I saw them.

"I'll explain everything to her later," I thought.

I followed all the tied up ribbons until about 5 minutes, when I didn't see anymore.

Gideon hadn't arrived yet, so I quickly dialed 911 and got ready to press it in case he tried anything.

I got that feeling like someone was watching me so I turned around and slightly jumped when I saw Gideon standing there. I hid my phone behind my back before he could see it.

"Where. Is. Mabel." I said, making it clear that I was mad but still trying to remain calm.

He didn't say anything. He just kept standing there looking almost as mad as I was. Almost.

"Why are you so mad? Your the one who took my sister!" I shouted, failing to keep my cool.

"I deserve to be mad! Because of you, I can't show my face in public without being arrested!" he yelled back.

"You deserve to be arrested!"

"She willingly came with me! Why else do you think I would let her write you that letter?"

I rolled my eyes. "If that were true, she wouldn't have texted me for help."

"Fine," he said, "Maybe there's more to the story. But it's not like I have to tell you anything."

I pressed the power button on my phone, turning it off, and put it in my back pocket.

I was getting angrier and angrier every second I looked at him.

I pulled my arm back, getting ready to swing my fist at him.

"Oh, don't you worry Dipper. You'll see her soon enough."

"Wait what?" I said, leaving my arm still while keeping it in the air.

I suddenly felt someone yank me backwards.

"What the hell!"

I turned around and saw what looked like a guard of some sort hovering over me.

I was about to start running back to where the cart was when Gideons guard yanked me back by my shoulders and threw me on the floor.

I hit my head hard on the floor and my vision slowly started to go out.

The last thing I felt was someone dragging me on by my feet.

I Won't Give Up ~ A Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now