Chapter 5

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It had been about a week since I received that text from Mabel and everything else that happened that night. It was my first day back at school since Tyler and I got suspended. I was not looking forward to seeing him. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that the blood in that room was not enough for it to have killed Mabel from losing it. If Gideon was planning on killing her, he would've done it already.

I walked into school with my head hung low and went to my locker. From the corner of my eye, I saw Pacifica and her friends. Just as they started walking toward me, I heard Pacifica say something.

"Guys, lets just leave him alone."

"Why?" Maggie asked rudely, "He's the one who got Tyler suspended."

She continued to defend me, "The fight wouldn't have started if Tyler didn't pick on him in the first place."

"Are you seriously standing up for that dork?" Tyler chimed in.

"Yeah. I am."

I felt a smile form on my lips as I continued to stare into my locker and listen to the conversation.

"Fine," Tyler finally agreed after a minute or two of silence, "We'll stop picking on him."

I felt a huge weight get lifted off my chest.

"Thank you," I mouthed, even though I wasn't facing Pacifica's direction.

Now all I had to worry about was Mabel, which of course is still big, but at least I could go to school and have a pretty standard day.

The bell rung and I quickly grabbed my math textbook, shut my locker, and walked to class.

Pacifica looked at me as her friends walked off to there separate classes.

She smiled and waved and I did the same back.



The lunch bell rung and I grabbed my bag and started walking to the cafeteria.

I hate lunch time. First of all, the school lunches are disgusting and second, I hate being in the same room as everyone in my grade. I always get anxious that something bad is gonna happen.

After getting my meal, I sat down at my usual table where only a couple of other students sat.

I finished my food early, seeing as I hadn't had breakfast.

Right as I threw my tray in the trash and was about to go back to my locker, I saw Tyler, Maggie, Jake, and Sophia standing around a corner.

Confused, I looked over Jakes shoulder and saw Candy and Grenda quivering in the corner that they were all guarding.

Seriously! At this point, I was really pissed. They stopped being asshats to me just to move on to Mabels friends.

I was about to go stand up for them when I saw Pacifica storming over.

"What the hell are you guys doing!" she shouted at them, clearly just as mad as I was.

"Jeez, calm down. We said we would leave Dipper alone, not everyone else," retorted Sophia.

"Still! This is wrong. I can't believe I ever supported it."

She then squeezed through Tyler and Jake, grabbed Candy and Grendas hands, and walked off, not even noticing that I was standing there watching.

I stayed there staring at the four and Tyler soon noticed.

"Fuck off. This is all your fault."

I turned around and rolled my eyes before walking in the direction Pacifica went in.

Just as I was about to exit the cafeteria like she did, I saw Candy and Grenda walk back in.

"Hey Dipper!" said Candy as she readjusted her glasses.


"We heard what happened last week," she said with a frown, "How are you doing?"

"A little better actually. I guess its just nice knowing who she's with. If we find Gideon, we also find Mabel, you know?"

They both nodded. "We're gonna go eat," said Grenda, "See you later."

"Bye," I said, but quickly remembered something, "Wait. Quick question."

They both turned around and looked at me.

"Where's Pacifica?"

"Oh, I think she went to the bathroom," Grenda told me.

"Ok, thanks."

They both smiled then continued walking forward.

I then walked to the girls bathrooms, which weren't far.

I couldn't go in since, well, I'm not girl, so I just knocked on the main door.

"Pacifica, are you in there? It's me, Dipper."

I was about to walk away, thinking that she had already left and went back to the cafeteria, when I heard sniffling.

"P- Pacifica? Are you ok?" I pressed my forehead against the door. She didn't answer, she just started crying harder. "What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely worried. I haven't once seen Pacifica cry. Sure, I've seen a few tears role down her cheeks, but I've never seen her really cry. Technically I wasn't seeing her now, but I could hear the she was really upset about something.

"Please, just talk to me. I'm right here."

I heard her walking to the door. I lifted my head when I saw the door knob slowly turning.

When the door opened, I was greeted by a red, puffy eyed Pacifica.

"C- Can you come in?"

I hesitated at first but then walked in. She locked the door, most likely because she didn't want anyone else coming in and seeing me. She sat back down against the wall and continued crying.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her shoulders and she leant her head on my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked softly

"R- Remember how I told you that Mabel told me about the letters a while before her disappearance?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well I was friends with Tyler, Maggie, and Sophia at that time. It was before we met Jake. When Mabel told me, the first thing I did was tell them. I was thinking about going to the police to try and help her out, but they told me not to," her voice got shakier as she continued, "I- I asked why and they said that she didn't matter. That she wasn't worth my time because she wasn't important. And I agreed. I agreed with them. H- How could I be so terrible."

She started crying even harder and I rested my head on hers, which was still leaning on my shoulder.

"That was a long time ago. You've changed. You're a better person than you used to be. It's not your fault Pacifica."

"Yes it is! Maybe if I went to the police, they could've done something before he had the chance to take her!"

I felt her whole body start to tremble.

"Stop it. Listen to me, this is not your fault. Please stop blaming yourself."

She lifted up her head and looked at me. I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped away the remaining tears on her face.

She faintly smiled and we both slowly started leaning in. I closed my eyes and felt our lips gently touch. We pulled apart and I immediately started blushing and looked down.

I looked back up and we both smiled at each other.

"L- Lets get back to the cafeteria before the bell rings," I said, slightly embarrassed but really happy on the inside.

She nodded and we both stood up and walked to the door.

I Won't Give Up ~ A Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now