When the realization hit me that I didn't have a clue as to where I was I felt the panic rise up. I looked around franticly trying to put the pieces together. How did I get here? Who are these people? What is happening right now?
The guy next to me gently placed his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down but I just pushed him away. For all I know he could be a mad man himself.
"Shh, calm down, you're good" he said hushing. I looked at him dumbfounded.
"We are in a room. With no windows. One door. And 5 strangers. How in the name of the merciful lord am I good" I half yelled."Finally! Someone who gets it! Where have you been these past hours. These morons wont get it through their heads!" The old lady screamed once again. I'm glad we're on the same page but why in the name of god did she have to be so loud.
"The worst hours of my life so far." Mumbled the arabic looking guy still looking for a connection.
"What did you say Mustafa? Would you like to speak up? You terrorist, it was probably one of your friends huh, who put us here!" The woman yelled. I gasped at her sudden outburst and her choice of words but it seemed that Mustafa didn't mind as he spoke up once more and said "Astagfirullah, Ellen, why are you yelling. I swear this is a test of god himself, he sent me here to test me." He said once more. At this statement the woman apparently named Ellen jumped up.
"What was that? Did you guys head that. I demand that you stop with your secretive language. What did you just say?" She said as she took 5 steps away from Mustafa. He just sighted and looked back at his phone.
As I looked to my side to search for the guy who was previously standing next to me, I saw that the space was empty instead. He was with the little girl who was letting out soft sobs in the corner, trying to comfort her as it would seem. I took this chance to walk up to the other man. The man looking to be around his 40's. He was sitting on the ground and deep in thought. I shook my hand out to greet him.
"Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Talia". He looked up and took my hand while introducing himself. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kevin. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances." He said with a soft smile.
"I'm sorry myself, what do you guys know this far about the situation?" I asked him and took a seat on the floor next to him.
"Just that the first one to wake up was Ellen, 3 hours ago. Ever since, her yelling has created a chain reaction which caused everyone to wake up. Nothing else" he said. And I nodded.
"Why is there no internet connection, or whatever connection for that matter in this box" Mustafa said and plopped down next to me on the floor.
"I'm Mustafa" he said with a smile, "I'm Talia" I said looking back at him.
"Internet connection? You need a waterbed and a flatscreen too?" Said Ellen again. She's really starting to get on my nerves and I've just known this woman.. I don't even know this woman! And she's already made me irritated.
"Ellen, may I ask how you how it was when there were still dinosaurs around? Assuming you were born around that era?" Mustafa cracked and before I knew it I bursted out in laughter, to be followed by the others.
"You're an annoying little man" said while squinting her eyes and looking at him. I reckon she was trying to intimidate him by looking like that but it only caused his grin to widen.
"You sho-" Mustafa began but he stopped when he heard a noise. It was the noise of a lock turning around. The door was open..