Ruki x Uruha Fluff

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Prompt: Ruki always wears Uruha's clothes. Uruha ends up saying 'keep it' cause Ruki looks so cute. But Uruha is steadily running out of clothes.

Tag/s: College AU, Fluff

Requested by RockIn_Saturn. I haven't written fluff in a while, so I used a prompt generator to help with the idea's for this request. I'm sorry it's so short.

Uruha stared at his empty closet. There was literally nothing in there. It was totally empty. Well, okay, he did have some clothes, but it was 'those' clothes that you always tell yourself you will wear (when you go to throw them out) but you never actually want to wear because you know they don't suit you.

So basically he had no clothes to wear. 

But he knew where he could find some.

Exiting his room, he wandering through the small space they called their living area, and entered into his roommates room. Rummaging through his best friend's cupboard he pulled out his clothes. He didn't know how his tiny friend managed to fit into his clothes, but somehow he pulled it off and managed to look adorable doing so.

"Good morning."

Uruha jumped ten feet at the sound of the voice behind him. Ruki leaned against the doorway, his small frame drowning in one of the taller's jumpers. It hung off one shoulder, exposing a milky white collarbone. 

Brushing his hair out of his eyes, the taller gave his small friend a delicate smile. "I'm out of clothes."

Ruki giggled. "Then don't let me keep them dummy."

"But if you like them, I want you to keep it." Uruha mumbled in response. 

The blonde straightened him self up before slinking across to the taller, brushing their noses together in an eskimo kiss. "I like them because they're yours."

Uruha bit his bottom lip as he stared into the others eyes. They sparkled bright in the dim lighting.

"You can keep them if you want." The brunette murmured, breath falling across the others face in a warm caress. 

Ruki hummed and closed his wondrous eyes. "This is why we're in this predicament."

"Then let's eliminate the problematic factor."

Once upon a time they were shy, unable to undress in the same room as one another, now however, they were not. Once upon a time they were both too afraid to even hold hands, until they were not. They were friends, until the one time they realised they were something more. 

Ruki shifted to seal the gap between their lips. Uruha hummed and sank into the feeling. The shorters lips were soft and warm, easily moving into a rhythm they were both accustomed to.

Uruha broke the kiss to lean against his best friends forehead, slowly bringing up a hand to caress the full cheeks. 

The blonde shifted his head to kiss the palm against his cheek. Uruha's heart fluttered at the action. 

"How about you take all your clothes back, and I'll return the ones I borrow?" 

Uruha nodded, pressing a kiss to the others forehead. "Sounds like a deal."

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