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-Minji pov-
We arrived at our classroom. Since we are late the only chairs that are available are at the back. So we sat there and wait for our teacher to come.
(A.n. Seating arrangement *1 available seats, Minji, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin*
While waiting Taehyung suddenly talked,
Taehyung: Guys why dont we hang out after class?
Jimin and Jungkook: Great Idea!
Jimin: How about you Minji? Are you comming?
Minji: I dont really know, I will ask Liza later :))
Jimin: Ok
Then a few minutes later our teacher came.
Teacher: Good Morning class, I am Miss Choi :))
Class: Good Morning Miss Choi
Ms. Choi: Btw class before we start we have a new student. Please come in.
Then a long haired girl walked in front of our class.
Ms. Choi: Please Introduce yourself
New Student: Annyeonghaseyo Lee Mira imnida, please take good care of me!
Ms. Choi: You may take your seat beside Minji, Please raise your hand Ms. Minji.
I raised my hand. Then Mira walked and sit beside me. Then she suddenly talked to me.
Mira: Hi nice to meet you, Minji right?
Me: Hey nice to meet you also, Yes I am Minji.
Mira: Hope we can be friends :))
Me: Of course!
Mira: Thanks!
Then after that our class starts.
~//Thanks for reading guys! Sorry for the slow update but i'll start update frequently soon :)) //~

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