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-//Hey guys, I just feel to update a few chapter today :)) "J- Hope" you all enjoy it😝😂//-

~Minji's pov~
I woke up the next morning while the sun shining bright directly on my face, after I stretch I sit on my bed and checked my phone it is currently 9:30, and my friends will come at 11:00.
So after I checked my social media for a bit I finally have the courage to start my day.

I get out of my bed and fix it. Then I go downstairs to eat some breakfast.

When I go downstairs I saw that mom and dad is already gone, I am not new to this they are not always on our house cause as you may know we have a bussiness.

I quickly checked our fridge to find some food to eat for me and my brother. I saw some pizza, and I quickly reheated it.

Then I decided to make some smoothie, I put some frozen strawberries and frozen banana on the blender then I put some orange juice in it, a bit of honey, then some ice, after I blended it, I put some extra slices of strawberry on top and a squeeze of honey to top it all of.

Moments later my brother woke up and he I greeted him.
Me: Good Morning oppa :))
Jhope: Good Morning Lil sis!
Me: Come sit down and let's eat some breakfast

Then he sat down beside me and we ate our breakfast.
Jhope: Mmmm, the smoothie taste really good, Thanks Minji!
Me: Your welcome oppa!

After we ate our breakfast, I washed the dishes while Jhope oppa clean our living room.

Then after we clean our house me and my brother go to our rooms and we get ready for the day.

I quickly go to my bathroom and took a warm bath, then After I finished taking my bath I put on my robe then I go to the sink to brush my teeth and did my skincare routine.

Then after that I go to my closet to choose some outfit,

Then after I chose my outfit, I sit on my vanity are and I just brush and Blow dry my hair

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Then after I chose my outfit, I sit on my vanity are and I just brush and Blow dry my hair. I just leave it down. Then after that I did my makeup, I only put small amount of makeup on my face,

Then after that, I just sprayed some perfume on my body, then I head out of my room and go downstairs

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Then after that, I just sprayed some perfume on my body, then I head out of my room and go downstairs.

Then I saw my brother and he is wearing this,

Then I saw my brother and he is wearing this,

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-//a.n Ignore the bag/backpack and the bucket hat hehe//-

He look so good with his outfit. Then I suddenly spoke,
Me: Hey Oppa! Sorry If I took so long. *pout*
Jhope: It's ok baby sis, Actually I came down just a few minutes before you. And btw you look good :))
Me: Thanks oppa, You look handsome in your oufit also.

Then while where on our phone, suddenly someone knock on our door. Jhope oppa stood up and open the front door.

~Jhope's pov~
I stood up to open the door, then when I open it I saw the boys and Liza.
Me: Hey guys!
Jimin: Hi Hyung!
Liza: Annyeong Oppa :))

I let them inside, but I was wondering why do they have brought so many things. Then they put there stuffs down at the living room.

~Minji's pov~
I saw the guys and Liza coming. Then suddenly Liza came up to me.
Liza: Hey Girl! I miss you. *He hug me so tight like we didn't se each other in like 10 years*
Me: Liza, stop hugging me so tight, I can't breath. We just saw each other yesterday.
Liza: Sorry hehe I just miss chatting with you. *pouts*
Then Suga oppa interupt us.
Suga: Girls stop that cheesy stuff Namjoon has something to say.
Me and Liza both playfully stick our tongue and roll our eyes at Suga oppa.
Namjoon: So Jhope hyung, we all decided to have a sleepover at your house, Is ot okay with you?
Jhope: I am fine with it, but yiu should ask Minji also.
Namjoon: Minji is it fine with you?
Me: Of course oppa, It will be fun.
Namjoon: Thank you!
Liza: I can't wait to tell you some stuffs >~<
Me: Sure hahaha I can't wait too!

Then Jimin spoke,
Jimin: Minji you look so hot in your outfit *winks*
Me: Thanks oppa! *I blushed >~<*
Jhope: Yah! Stop flirting with my baby sis!
Me: It's ok oppa :))
Jungkook: You looke beautiful Minji :)) *bunny smile*
Taehyung: True, you look pretty *boxy smile*
Me: Thank you Jungkook and Taehyung oppa! I appreciate it.
Jin: Guys let's get going I am hungry.
Suga: Great idea! Let's go guys.

Then we all head out and we go to Namjoon oppa's car. While were chatting suddenly my phone vibrated. And I checked it and saw my mom messaged me. I open it.
Mom: Hi Minji, me and your dad will not be home until sunday. Cause we were staying at a hotel beside our company, because we will finish some works. I will make it up to you on monday. Please tell tour brother also. Love you both😘
Me: Ok mom be safe there and take good care of yourself and tell appa also. And mom is it okay if the boys and liza will be staying at our house?
Mom: Sure my lovely daughter. Take care😘

Then I closed my phone, and I tell to boys what mom said,
Me: Guys mom said that they will be not home, they will come home on monday, so we have the house all on our selves.
Jhope: Oh thats great and did you tell mom that the boys will staying at our house?
Me: Of course. And mom agreed and she said that we must take care of our selves.
Jin: Thats good, and guys I will be the one making meals ;))
All: Yessss! Thank you :))

Then moments later we arrived at the restaurant.

-//Sorry for the grammatical errors//-

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