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~Taehyung's pov~
We all sat down at the living room, Jhope hyung decided to play truth or dare, and we all agreed ^~^ We already started.

Namjoon: Who want's to go first?
Jimin: Me :)) Ok, Jungkook truth or dare?
Jungkook: Oh why me hyung?! But truth!
Jimin: Do you have any feelings towards a person in this room?
Jungkook: Yes
Jimin: Who is it?
Jungkook: Only one question hyung *playfully stick his tongue out*
Jimin: Aishhh :((
Jungkook: Ok Minji, Truth or dare?
Minji: Dare
Jungkook: I dare you to dance to the song Baepsae!
I was a bit shocked at what Jungkook just sated. Then i saw Minji stand and danced *a.n. Imagine Minji is the bloned haired girl :>*
I saw all of my Hyungs drooling over her haha, but tbh she danced it so well and he is so hot! *omygash Kim Taehyung what were you thinking?!* Then she sat down at her place.

Minji: My turn! Jin oppa, Truth or dare?
Jin: Dare!
Minji: Kiss suga oppa's cheek for 10 seconds *she said while clapping*
Suga: Why did I get involved in there?!
Minji: Oppa, dare is dare sorry (>~<)

Then Jin hyung walked to Suga hyung and he sat beside him, it took like hours before hyung started ughhh! But then he finally kiss hyung's cheek for 10 seconds, and after that Suga hyung groaned loudly haha. Then it is Jin hyung's turn.

Jin: Liza truth or dare?
Liza: Dare
Jin: ok stay at the bathroom for 1 minute, but make sure the lights are off.

Then Liza walked to the bathroom and started, but I totally forgot about Mira, I excused Minji for a while.

We walked to the balcony and talked there,
Me: Minji I am so happy cause Mira texted me earlier!

But I noticed that she suddenly got a bit sad? Or am I just imagining things? Maybe.
Minji: Oh really?! That's great!
Me: Yes! But still help me :)) *I winked at her*
Minji: Of course! *she smiled poorly* Maybe we should go inside maybe Liza is finished already, she hurridly walked inside. I walked after her.

We continued playing, but I noticed Minji being silent.

Minji: Uhmm Jhope oppa can I go to my room? I don't feel really well *she faked smiled, I know her real smile. But I just shrugged it off*
Jhope: Oh sure :))

Then Minji stood up and walked to her room.

~//Ohhh hey guys! I just updated a short chapter, but I'll promise I will publish the other chapter tomorrow, I just feel really tired cause, we finished some stuffs earlier and we just cleaned our other house so I feel really exhausted sorry guys :<. But tomorrow I'll upadte the next chapter. Hope you all understand :)) Love yah all <3//-

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