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~Minji's pov~
We arrived at the restaurant, then a receptionist came to us and assist us. Jhope oppa already booked a table for 9. Then they gave us menu to choose from, I chose some kimchi fried rice, beef bulgogi, and some Strawberry milkshake.

While we were waiting for our food we chatted about suffs and what is happening between our life. Then suddenly Taehyung spoke to me,
Taehyung: Hey Minji :))
Me: Hi Taetae :]
Taehyung: So uhmm, ah, erh... *sratched his neck*
Me: What is it Tae?
Taehyung: So uhm do you still remember my favor?

Then I suddenly remember about Mira. I suddenly feel about Mira, aishhh nevermind maybe I am just having a bad mood swings.

Taehyung: So uhm Minji? *he put his hand in front of my face.
Me: Ohh sorry, I just remember something. Btw yes I remember.
Taehyung: Ohhh so do you really want to help me?
Me: O-of course you are my bestfriend I will help you in every way!
Taehyung: Ohh thank you Minji

Taehyung suddenly hugged me. Then I blushed a bit.

Me: No problem :))

Then moments later our order arrived, then we ate it. And in no moment we finished our food.
Jhope: Ahhh, I feel so full!
Jin: Me too, but when I cook all of you will be more than full than now ;))
Namjoon: Let's pay then let's go shopping.
Jungkoo: Great idea hyung!

Than we pay the bill, then we headed to the mall. They mostly go to the Gucci, Chanel, Supreme, and other high class store. Me and Liza just walk with them we don't really feel to buy this high end stuffs hehe. So we told them that we will go to Forever 21 and American eagle.

Then after 2 hours of shoppingwe decided to eat at the frozen yougurt shop before we go home.

Then a few moments we decided to go home, we headed to the parking area and we put our shopping bags at the track of the car. Then we all get in and we drove home.

~//Heyyyy guys I am feeling great so I am writing a few chapters :)) Hope you all like it <3 Don't forget to vote and comment!//~

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