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~Minji pov~
We sat and we wait for our next subjects.
-//Time skip//-
After a long day at school, the class is finally over. YAY!
We packed our things and we go straight to the hallway to find our friends.
Then we saw them, we walked to them,
Me: Hey guys!
Jimin: Suppp hyungs *smile plus eye smile*
Taehyung: Ummm guys, do you want to hang out since we don't really have homeworks to do.
All (except me): Sure!
Taehyung: Ummm, How about you Minji?
Me: Of course I would come :))
Then suddenly I felt something dripped down there! (Girls out there you know what I mean >~>)
I wanted to go to the bathroom to see if it was I was thinking.
Me: Liza can we go to the bathroom really quick?
Liza: Sure. Guys will be right back.
Then we walked to the bathroom, and I go inside on the last stall.
*My thoughts, Ohhh shoot! I got my period, and I don't have any pads, I forgot that I will have it today! *facepalm*
Me: Ahmm Liza do you perhaps got any extra pads?
Liza: I'll check if I have.
Me: Thanks!
Liza: Minji, I don't have any extra pads Sorry!
(Great Job Minji now you can't come with them)
Then I quickly got out of the stall and washed my hands. Then suddenly Liza gasp.
Liza: Minji! You have red spot on your skirt!
Me: Really?! Omygashhh how will I go home.
Liza: I have my jacket, tie it in your waist.
Me: Thanks Liza your my life saver! But I really forgot that I will get my period today, aishhh!
Liza: It's ok girl, Sometimes we forgot some things hehe
-//Meanwhile the boys are chatting//-
Suga: What took them so long? Did the sink swallom them?
Jin: Bro! They are girls, and girls always took so long in the bathroom.
Suga: Aishhhh I'm gonna murder them if they will not show in 5 minutes! I am so sleepy!
Jimin: Chill hyung! You are always sleepy.
Then suga rolls his eyes.
~Minji pov~
Then after that we go to the boys.
Me: Hey guys I don't think I can come.
Suga: What?! We waited for the two of you and you will not come? Aishhh this girl.
Me: Sorry Yoongi oppa! But you can't really understand right now hehe it's a girl problem.
Taehyung: We can move it tomorrow since it is saturday.
Namjoon: Oh yes! Great!
Suga: Finally I can sleep!
Then we all giggled.
Me: Liza I will give your jacket tomorrow thanks!
Liza: Ok. But make sure you will bring extra pads next time.
Then I quickly cover her mouth since I am embarrased.
Jhope: Minji why didn't you tell me? Come let's go home quickly.
Me: Oppa but can we stop at a nearby convenience store. I'll just buy some few things.
Jhope: Ok.
Taehyung: Make sure you buy extra thick pads! *laughed very hard*
I quickly blushed and punched his arm.
Jhope: Hey stop that, come Minji let's get going!

We waved goodbye to each other but I ignore Taehyung.
And he looked so annoyed haha.

Then we head to Jhope oppa's car and we bought some few things on the nearby store and we got home.
-//Thank you guys for reading! Stay tuned! Saranghae<3//-

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