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~//Time skip//~
Minji pov
After our classes end, it is finally lunch time!
I quickly packed my things in my bag, then suddenly someone hold my shoulder. Then I looked who is it and it was Mira.
Mira: Minji can I come with you? I don't really have any friends and I don't know this school that well.
Me: Of course :))
Then me, Mira, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook walked to the cafeteria.
Then we saw Liza waving at us. Then we go there.
Me: Hey guys this is Mira she is our new classmate but she doesn't have any friends so she came with me. Is it ok with you guys?
Namjoon: Of course. But lets introduce our self first guys.
All (except me): Sure!
Namjoon: Hi I am Namjoon.
Seokjin: Hey! I am worldwide handsome Jin!
Yoongi: I am Yoongi but you can call me Suga.
Hoseok: Hi I am Hoseok but you can call me Jhope. Btw I am Minji's brother.
Jimin: Hi I am Jimin :))
Taehyung: Hi I am Taehyung, you're future boyfriend. *wink*
Me: Tae stop it! *eye roll*
Then Mira giggles.
Jungkook: Hi noona I am Jungkook, the maknae of the group *bunny smile*
Liza: Hey girl! My name is Liza, Minji's bestfriend :))
Then after the introduction, we bought some lunch and ate it all together.
~//Time skips//~
After we ate we waved our goodbyes and Go to our respective classrooms.
~//Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Love yah all //~

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