8. "Sounds Perfect."

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...As soon as I hung up, I got a call from Peter.

"Hey." he said.


"I was hoping that you could come over and solve some of my doubts. Calculus is gonna be the death of me."

"Hi. I'm Katherine Forbes. Nice to meet you."


"Well clearly, you've not met me before. Otherwise you'd know that I hate maths."

He chuckled. "I know you do. But nonetheless, you're good at it."

"Umm, okay. I'll help. Jules is busy today anyway."

"See ya!"

"Yeah." I smiled to myself.

I quickly went upstairs and changed into a pair of shorts and a yellow hoodie. I took my bag pack, grabbed some books from my table and drove to Peter's.

After studying for an hour or two, Peter and I got bored and turned the T.V. on.

"You want anything?" he asked.

"Some popcorn would be nice." I said with a smile.


Peter got up and went up to the kitchen. I realised that the room was quite messy and I didn't want to bother Peter's mom to clean after us. So, I stuffed my books in my bag and stacked Peter's together. I went up to his room to keep them on his table. I noticed a crimson diary lying in the corner of the table. It was a bit old, but beautiful. The pages were crimson too. Surprisingly, there was nothing written in it. I wondered why Peter didn't use it yet.

I took the diary with me and went downstairs. Peter came out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn. As soon as he saw the diary in my hands, his expressions hardened and he went pale.

"Why haven't you used this diary? It's so beautiful." I said.

"Because I don't want to." he uttered.

I was taken back by his blunt reply. He seemed cold for some reason. He soon noticed this.

"Sorry." he said. "My dad gave it to me on my 10th birthday. He believed that keeping a diary would help me remember our happy moments together. And the next morning..."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. Let's just not talk about it." he said.

We watched Netflix and munched on popcorn for about an hour.

I realised that I hadn't completed my homework for the day.

"Shit! I totally forgot about homework."

"Ugh, it's fine. Don't do it for once."

"Unlike you, I'm not okay with being thrown out of the class, Peter."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll drop you home." He stressed on the 'e's' which made me smile.

I told him that I had my car and I could drive myself but he insisted to take me home. Finally, we had an agreement that the next time, Peter could do all the driving he wanted. I drove back home, on my own this time.


This month was coming to an end. The exams were to begin from the next month. This was the first time I had worked so hard for an examination. I hoped that this would pay off.


After a week of working hard and with the examinations over, I was pretty sure I'd be able to keep my grades up.

At school, Peter came up to me.

"Hey." he said.


"Hi! How was your exam?" she asked.

"It went pretty well, I guess. Thanks to you."

She smiled. "Great, I was talking to Miss. Hale and she said that we'll get our results by the end of this week."

"Wow, that's fast." I replied.

"I know."

Katherine, Juliet, Kent, Kevin and I hung out for the rest of the day. The exams were over and so, we had a movie night. It was fun.

The results were announced at the end of the week. All of us passed, except Kent.


As soon as I heard that Kent had failed the examination, I went up to him.

"Hey." I said.


"You good?"

"Yeah, but I could use some help."

"Help?" I asked. I was confused.

"Yeah. Kat, you're a Straight-A student. Maybe you could help me with some of my studies? Maybe... tutor me?" he said while scratching the back of his head.


"Yes. Please. I really want to improve. I need to get good grades in the next test."

"Well, okay. Jules and I meet almost everyday for studying. You could join us and I'll help you solve your doubts."

"Sounds perfect."

"Cool. Today, my place, at 6 in the evening?"


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