Chapter One

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Four stone walls surrounded Ira Alabaster. The windows into the cells of Pietro and Wanda Maximoff were the only connection Ira had to her friends, the only thing that  was keeping her sane. She knew she had signed up for this when she volunteered for Hydra's experiments. But she didn't know how difficult it would be.

Wanda and Pietro were Ira's closest friends. Granted, there weren't that many options, but she loved them both dearly. They had become friends due to their shared circumstances.

Currently, Ira was experimenting with her powers. She sent a small stream of midnight blue energy at the wall. It bounced off the wall and struck the ground, dissipating. She lifted a small chunk of stone into the air. She concentrated on it, and it burst into a fine powder.

Pietro peered into her window. "When is the new recruit getting out of Recovery?" He asked her.

"Any minute now," Ira replied. "Her name is Emilia Crucil. She can inflict pain with a single thought."

Emilia would be the first successful experiment since the twins. Most of the subjects either died, or went insane. The Maximoff twins had been the first successful experiment in a while. That's why they were so important to Strucker. Before the twins, there were more failed experiments before Ira. But she had survived, and had gotten the powers of telekinesis, energy manipulation, and healing.

Wanda raised her eyebrows at the mention of Emilia's powers. "I guess Strucker's really increasing the dangerousness with these recent experiments."

Ira nodded. "In most of these recent experiments, there have been more and more dangerous powers. The last one was a pyro-kinetic with the ability to control lightening. Strucker's trying to create an army. A powerful one."

"Speak of the devil," Pietro muttered as Strucker appeared out side their cells. He unlocked the doors and allowed each Enhanced to step out. At his side was a girl with long dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, presumably Emilia. Ira's eyes narrowed slightly as she took in Emilia's appearance. Something about her just seemed untrustworthy. Her eyes scanned each of them, as if looking for any sign of weakness. A confident smirk was plastered on her lips. She was wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt, and leggings.

"Pupils, this is Emilia," Strucker began. "She is the most powerful Enhanced ever, and she will help us take down the Avengers," he sneered. "She will be moving into the cell next to Wanda. And Emilia?" He looked pointedly at her. "Try not to kill them. We need our pupils in top fighting shape."

"No promises," Emilia smirked as Strucker left. The guard in front of their cells guided them back in, and locked the doors. He stood sentry outside their cells to prevent them from escaping.

"So Emilia," Ira began, "How did you end up here?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but I volunteered to be experimented on." Emilia stated.

"Well, we all volunteered, but why did you volunteer?" Pietro cut in.

Emilia rolled her eyes, and stayed quiet.

"Not a talker," Pietro muttered, and put his hands up.

"It's not that," Emilia shot back. "I just don't think it's any of your business why I joined. If you must know, it was because of my parents. They died."

"I'm sorry," Ira said. "We all have difficult pasts, so we understand what you're going through."

"Yeah, well I don't want anyone's pity. I've been doing fine on my own." Emilia said. "When they died, I promised them I would find the Avengers and kill them as revenge. And I don't want any of you getting in my way. I'm more powerful than all of you combined, so don't test me."

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