Not Meant To Be (pt. 2)

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It has been a year since you and Billy broke up. Since then, both of you have graduated high school and seemed to move on with your lives. Even though you were technically dating Jacob, your parents' choice, you still missed Billy. You thought about him every day and often got distracted by your thoughts of him during your classes at university. Every time you were with Jacob, you imagined it was Billy by your side instead.

With all the stress and pressures of your family, your class work, and Jacob, thinking about Billy is what got you through it all.

You moved out of Hawkins and moved into southern Indiana, closer to the college you were enrolled at. You didn't keep up with how the Hargrove's were doing since you were no longer in touch with Billy, but you wish you could ask your parents how they were doing. You had a soft spot for Billy's little redhead sister and his stepmother who caught Billy sneaking out to see you one time. Billy told you about how she pretended like she never saw him slip out the window and never brought it up to his father.

Most of all, though, you wanted to know how Billy was doing. Did he get a better job? Did he move out and escape the abuse from his father? Did he apply to any colleges? Did he get a basketball scholarship? Was he seeing someone else? Was he happy?

These thoughts tormented you as you lived your life a few hours away from where he was living his.

You didn't go back to Hawkins until the summer between semesters. To say you were nervous was an understatement, but you were also ready to go back where you spent your entire life leading up to high school graduation.

Jacob went down and picked you up at your dormitory. The drive back to Hawkins was mostly quiet, since Jacob didn't like music and he refused to turn on the radio. You fell asleep and woke up by his car door slamming shut.

You jolted, eyes blinking as you sat up. It took a second for you to realize that you were parked in front of your parents house.

"Welcome home!" Your mom exclaimed, stepping out of the small house. She gave Jacob a short hug before opening your car door.

As soon as your feet hit the grass and you straightened, your mom wrapped her arms around your body.

"How is college? Are you staying on top of your grades?"

You hugged her back, but it was a loose and quick embrace. "It's good. My grades are good."

Your mom smiled. "Good. I'm glad you're being a successful college student."


You looked past your mom at your dad standing in the doorway of the house, his face hard like always. Nothing has changed since you left for college except for his mustache growing and more gray hairs popping from his head of black hair.

You didn't say anything. You just gave him a tight-lipped smile.

Jacob grabbed your bag from the car and brought it inside for you. Your mom said something about how lucky you are to have such a gentlemen as a boyfriend, but you weren't really listening. Something else caught your attention.

Across the street was a muscular young man on his hands and knees pulling out weeds of your elderly neighbor's flower garden. His back was to you, but even then you could recognize him.

Billy Hargrove ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now