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Everyone says that love isn't a choice, that you can't help the way you feel about someone.

But love is a choice, and you chose to love Billy Hargrove, Hawkins's newest asshole. You fell in love with how he kissed your dimples, how he always made sure you were comfortable and felt safe. You chose to love him despite his demons. You loved him even though he smoked too many cigarettes and got into too many fights. You didn't look past the anger in him though, because you weren't blinded by love. If you completely ignored the angry part of him you wouldn't have noticed how he hated always being so angry at everyone and at the world. You wouldn't have noticed how, mixed with the anger, was deep sadness. Ignoring one part of Billy would be seeing only a portion of who he was. His short temper didn't define him, but what made him angry and what triggered certain emotions was a part of him.

You loved Billy because he was worthy of love, and he loved you. You loved him because you knew that you were safe with him despite his concerns of treating you wrong in the future because of his fears of becoming his father. You loved him because he was human and didn't hide his true thoughts and feelings around you. You were real around him, and he was real around you.

You chose to help Billy through his struggles. When he was becoming a slave to his temper and would lash out on everyone, you just wrapped your arms around him and hummed his favorite song. You didn't have to tell him anything for him to know that you were there no matter what.

Billy hugged you back and whispered, "Why do you put up with me?"

You leaned back and looked him right in the eyes. "I love you."

"Why?" His voice cracked.

You hugged him tighter and lay your head against his chest. "Because I want to."

"I don't deserve your love," he murmured as he ran his fingers absentmindedly over your braided hair that ran down your back. "Not when I say such mean things and do the things that I do. I'm ... I'm turning into my dad."

You shook your head. He set his chin on the top of your head and sighed.

"No- "

"Yes I am."

You retracted your arms from around his middle and moved them to his shoulders. He looked down at you hopelessly. Like he's given up, that it's inevitable that he's going to be like his dad whom he has a burning hate for.

"I won't let you become your dad. You won't be him, you aren't him. He doesn't know that his actions are wrong and he doesn't have your heart." You pecked his lips.

Billy closed his eyes. A tear leaked out and dropped out onto his cheek.

You wiped it away, then kissed his damp cheek.

"You know that I'll stick by your side no matter what, right?"

"Yea." He smiled through his sadness and fear of what his future holds. "I love you."

"I love you."

And you did. You loved this boy with every fiber of your being.

And that was the best decision you've ever made.

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