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I apologize that I haven't been updating a lot and that this request has taken so long, I've been going through some stuff and writing is hard. Hopefully this fulfills the request! (Also I'm sorry, I forget who requested this, it's buried under all the sudden notifications I've been getting lately) Xx

"Hey baby," Billy greeted you as he wrapped his arms around your middle from behind and set his chin on your head.

You blushed like mad at the action. You two were at school in a crowded hallway, and even though you and Billy had been dating for a few months now, you weren't used to the public displays of affection. You have always been shy and would often just hold his hand at most, but Billy would always try to kiss you and hug you in public. You don't mind it, but it does make you flustered. Maybe that's why Billy constantly shows his affection for you in public places.

You turned and Billy smiled at your rosy cheeks, kissing the tip of your nose. You looked around at the students milling about and felt their eyes on you and Billy even though no one was paying attention to the exchange.

"Billy," you say with a shy smile. "What's up?"

"I was thinking about taking my favorite girl to the movies tonight, what do you think?" He asked with a playful smile.

"I think that's a great idea," you replied as you grinned. It had been a while since you and Billy went on a date. His evenings were taken up by basketball practices and games and you were constantly studying for midterms. Thankfully both are over now so the two of you could hang out more.

Billy smiled and pecked your lips one last time, smirking at the blush on your face as he walked away. "I'll pick you up at eight!" He called halfway down the hall.

You looked down at your shoes and closed your locker, biting back a smile.

After school you went home and got ready for your date. You put your hair up in a low ponytail with a scrunchy and put some light make up on. You switched your usual attire for a skirt and a t-shirt, grabbing a sweater to throw on top of it got too cold. The day seemed to drag on as you waited for the clock to strike eight.

Five minutes before he said he would, Billy pulled up outside your house in his blue camaro. It didn't matter that he was early - you had been ready all afternoon. However excited you are to spend some quality time with your favorite person, you couldn't help but feel a spike of nerves you get every time you go out. It isn't bad and usually goes away once you're by Billy's side. When you two went on your first date at a restaurant, you tried to hide your shaky hands and the tremor in your voice from him when you ordered your food. He noticed right away and ever since he usually did the talking and ordering, much to your relief.

What he didn't know, and hopefully will never know, was that the shakiness wasn't just from the nerves you felt when talking to strangers. You don't know how, but ever since you can remember you've had these strange ... powers. Electrical powers that can become unstable when you get overwhelmed. That's another reason why you live being with Billy - he helps you control your powers.

Billy raised his fist to knock on the front door, but before he can, you pulled the door wide open. He looked down at you, mildly surprised, but happy.

"Someone's excited," he teased, taking your hand and peppering a small kiss to it as you stepped outside and closed the door.

You ducked your head and adjusted your hand in his so you were holding his hand. "Of course I am, I love spending time with you."

"Geez, now I'm the one who's blushing," Billy joked, mocking you playfully. You just rolled your eyes.

The car ride to the theater is full of Billy singing/screaming the lyrics to the songs on the radio and you watching him with amusement and adoration.

Too soon, you two arrive at the theater. Billy buys the tickets and popcorn and lets you pick the seats. The movie was great. Well, at least you think it was. You weren't really paying attention, your mind too fogged up with the fact that you got to spend more time with Billy. You knew that it was silly that you were so excited to even be with him outside of school, but you didn't care.

The movie ended and the credits started to roll. Billy stood and helped you up, grabbing the trash to throw away as he marveled about the movie to you.

You had to go to the bathroom, so as you went to stand in the line for the restroom, Billy went outside to the car to warm it up. When you walked out to meet with him, you stopped in your tracks with wide eyes.

A man, older than Billy but not quite middle-aged, was on top of him as he punched him. The punch landed on Billy's jaw and made him see stars. The man, smirking slyly, stood and grabbed the wallet from Billy's pocket. He then went to kick Billy.

You didn't have to think twice before you used your electrical powers to stop the assault. Sparks came from the street light and a bolt of energy shot out at the man, electrocuting him. He spasmed and fell to his knees before collapsing on the ground.

You rushed over to Billy, oblivious to his wide, shocked eyes taking you in. You knelt next to him and started to fuss over the cut above his brow and on his lip.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" You questioned frantically.

Billy pushed your hand down when you went to cup his face. You frown, then your world falls down when you realize that he saw what had happened. He knew.

He knew that you were a freak.

"How did you...?"

You stood abruptly and racked your hands through your hair. "It wasn't me, it must've been some weird, um, electrical thing. Like a short-circuit."

Billy's brow furrowed in confusion as he pushed himself up in a sitting position. He watched you as you chewed on your thumb nail.

"I saw what happened," Billy said, his brow set and his eyes puzzled. "I saw the sparks in your hand when the light shot out from the lamp post and... How did you do that?"

You gulped and shook your head. "I don't know."

Billy's eyes lowered from your face to your shaking hands. You felt the static electricity coming from the tips of your fingers as you started to get overwhelmed by the situation. How could you be so stupid to let Billy find out?

Billy's expression softened. He stood, wincing slightly, and grabbed your hands. He didn't even flinch when you shocked him, he just held on to you tighter until you looked up at him shamefully.

You expected him to call you a freak or call the cops on you. You expected him to run the other way.

But, instead, he just stared down at you with warm confusion.

"Let's go to my place," he murmured, eyes taking over your face. "You can explain what the hell just happened there instead of in the street in the middle of the night."

You nodded. You started for the car and pulled the passenger door open.

Billy's lips quirked. "Oh, and (Y/N)?" He called to you from his side of the car.

You looked over at him curiously.

"I always knew there was something electrifying about you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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