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        She ran into the darkness wondering what to do with her egg. She couldn't keep it because it was far too dangerous for her and the tribe if only they knew. She kept running to find a place to hide this egg so nobody could find. But then she thought what could I, a lonely Nightwing do with an egg that would change the world. She left it there in the mud with a note that said,  If you found my egg don't bother looking for me the egg is too dangerous for me to take care of. I can't live here any longer there is too much danger, please take it and raise it right. She covered the egg with a few leaves. Destiny left the egg in the mud but just under the moons. Her prophecy powers let her know this was the best path for her baby. As she walked away a tear fell from her eye, it was sad to leave her baby but she knew it was the right choice. She looked back with her eyes full of tears and whirled around and ran off into the night. Not a trace left not a soul knew.

The Lost Egg - A Moonbli StoryWhere stories live. Discover now