Chapter 1 - Graduates

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Setting: 2 years after Darkstalkers defeat. Currently in JMA 

        We were standing on the stage me Qibli, Turtle, Kinkajou, and Winter. Of course, I Kink couldn't stay still at all. We finally finished our classes at JMA, life was better now that Darkstalker was gone. I didn't have somebody in my mind now all the time, but now I had time for my own life. I toned out as Clay said a speech which took forever. I wonder what Qibli is thinking, she internally sighed. I haven't told Winter yet about me and Qibli. I wonder how he's gonna find out, but he probably already. Maybe Qibli might tell him. After that thought, she had a vision. There was a mysterious egg in the mud. Qibli looked over realizing the way her snout was scrounged up. He gave her a concerning look, that was one of the things she liked about Qibli he always knew what she was feeling. She smiled at him to let him know she was ok.

         Clay's speech was finally over and everybody left the room. She intertwined her tail with Qibli's as they walked to their caves. As we got close to his cave I asked him, "where are you gonna go after your done packing up." Qibli sighed, "I wanna go back with you to the rainforest." She looked at him and said," ok, just don't let winter see you, I don't know what he'll do." she said softly. He grabbed her talons and nuzzled her, "I'll be careful don't worry." She walked away and into her cave.

"Kinkajou!", Moon yelped as she walked into the room.

"What?" Kink said.

"I mean what a mess, I didn't even know you had this much stuff jeez," Moon said as she scolded her.

"Sorry, Moon" she saw Kink yelp a bit as she whirled around to see the mess she had made.

         Moon went to her side of the room and started taking her scrolls out of their racks and set them in a box. She checked under her pillow for anything and saw something shiny and black under it. Oh she realized, it's the necklace Qibli gave her when he asked her to go out with him. It was a lovely moon studded with false diamonds. She stared at it for a little longer before placing it on her neck. She hadn't brought much at the beginning of the school year but the item accumulated over time. She grabbed her box and walked into the hall that led outside. She stopped by Qibli's and Winter's cave and peeked in, her eyes meet Qibli's and she nodded her head towards the exit of the mountain and he nodded in response. She lifted her box again and kept on walking, she waited outside under a tree waiting for Kink and Qibli. She couldn't wait to go back home.

A/N I'll try to update every other weekend due to school hours.

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