Chapter 2 - The Beginning of The End

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Moons POV

      Moon waited outside under a tree for her friends. The trip to the rainforest was remote and will presumably take a day. She sighed, she missed her mother and wanted to be in the comfort of the trees and all the noises of the rainforest. She wanted to hug her and talk to her but that's going to have to wait. She looked up after hearing some footsteps and finally, after an agonizing wait, Qibli walked outside and came over to the tree she was beneath. He walked over to her and whispered to her," I stealthily avoided Winter on the way out." He giggled quietly. "So uh... what are we waiting for right now?" "Kinkajou," she replied. "Oh, oh ok," He replied. "I just want her to hurry up." "So we can leave I can barely wait to go back home." She muttered.

Five years later.... {Jk it was like 5 minutes}

Kinkajou tumbles of Jade Mountain with all her stuff in hand or talon?

"Ok let's go," she said.

"Finally!" Qibli said jokingly.

She turned away from JMA and faced the path to the Rainforest. She spread her wings and took off. As they flew off Moon wondered how excited her mother would be when she came back home. That thought made her smile to herself. She didn't realize him looking at her until at the back of her mind Qibli goes thinking to himself, wonder whats she's smiling about, I wonder what she's thinking about. Maybe if I had her powers then maybe I'd know more. Moon quickly realized Qibli didn't have his SkyFire. She looked at his chest which usually had the pouch that held his SkyFire and saw it wasn't there. 

They stopped for a rest near a forest and a nearby pond. While being there time flew by because the next time moon looked up to see what time it was the sun was already setting. "It's almost night you think we should stay right by this forest?" Moon asked. "Yeah, for now, "Qibli said. What if a predator came for us in the night or worse a crazy group of dragons came and took us, prisoners, his mind prodded on. "Hey, guys what about food?!?" Kinkajou said worriedly. "Cause I need some FOOD. I hope there are some nice berry bushes OOH, an apple tree!" "Oh um, how about you and Moon go searching for food while I set up camp." He suggested. "Hmm YES good idea it involves FOOD. I like it!" Then Kinkajou quickly skipped off looking for some fruits to eat. As they both left to hunt Qibli stayed behind and started a fire to stay warm next too.

So... Yeah. I'm just going to write this story whenever I want to. I don't have an exact schedule. SO be THANKFUL whenever I make a new chapter. P.S I read over these chapters and they are crap. How does it have over 200 views? But, I hope this remade one is better. Enjoy, Peepz.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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