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It was February. It was cold. And although Izuku had just received one of the most powerful quirks in existence, he still had to stay warm. That is why he is in his kitchen making hot cocoa.
As he pulled the marshmallows and a left over candy cane down from the cabinets, the microwave beeped. Setting his items on the counter, he spun around and bounced over to the little machine. Humming, he set out to stir his cocoa powder into the nearly boiling milk.
"Rocking around the christmas tree," he sang under his breath. Finally, he topped off his cup of chocolate warmth with three large marshmallows.
Grabbing a book and his mug, he went back to his room to read. It was raining at the moment and he personally loved to read by his window when it did.
Under his window, there was a bench that reached the windowsill, and was as wide as his kitchen counter. On said bench were pillows and blankets arranged in a nest like mess.
Settling into his nest, he stared at the water pelting the glass of his window. Absently he gazed down at his mug. Seeing one of the marshmallows and hearing the pounding of rain reminded him of a bonfire he had gone to as a child.
It was his mother's friend's birthday, and she held the party outside. There was a large bonfire burning in the center of the yard, and children were running around and laughing.
He joined them and for a few hours, he wasn't an outcast. He soon grew tired of running around chasing the other kids and went to find his mom.
"Izuchan, do you want a s'more?" His mom was standing by the fire, an off brand soda can in her hand.
"What's a s'more, momma?" He asked.
"A s'more is a roasted marshmallow on two graham crackers and some chocolate. It's really sweet, and I know you like sweets. Do you want one?" His mother smiled.
"How do you roast a marshmallow?" Of course his never ending curiosity got the better and he asked another question.
"I'll show you!" His mother sounded excited, like this was a milestone of his life.
Looking back now, he supposed it was, kind of.
"Momma, my marshmallow is black? What does that mean? Why does it smell like smoke?" He was freaking out a little.
"Oh, Izuchan, you burnt it. Here, I'll show you, it's okay." At that point he was nearly in tears, scared he had disappointed his mom.
"Look, you have to turn it so that the fire reaches the while marshmallow and not just part of it. If you don't turn it, it burns and no one wants a burnt marshmallow!" He smiled. Learning was his favorite thing, no matter what. If he could learn, he would. Even if it was just simple marshmallow roasting.
He gasped. That's how! He knew how to control his quirk!
He sat his cup down and picked up his phone. Quickly dialing All Might, he nearly fell off his bench to get dressed.
"Izuku-kun? It's one of your days off, are you okay?" The worried voice of one Toshinori Yagi rang out over speaker phone.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, I'm more than fine! Since, uh, hold on!" He struggled to get his foot into a pant leg for a moment and then started talking again,"You know that the exams are next week and I've been thinking since you gave me this quirk, since the first time I used it..."
"And? Did you figure something out?" There was a long pause because Izuku was looking for a pair of socks.
"Ye- oh! Here it is! But, uh, yeah! Meet me at the beach. If I'm right then this will change everything! I'll be able to use One for All without repercussions!" He swiveled his head around like an owl, spotting his jacket on the back of his desk chair.
"This is great, my boy! I'll be there in twenty minutes, okay?" There was a slight pause, "I'll see you in a bit."
There was a beep and the call ended. Izuku snatched his phone up off his desk and he sprinted to the front door.
"Mom, I'm meeting All Might on the beach, I think I've made progress with my quirk, so we're going to test it!"
"Alright sweet heart, don't get too hurt!" His mom poked her head around the door, green half bun flopping behind her head. She blew him a kiss and waved.
"Will do!" He closed the door behind him and sprinted as fast as he could to the bike rack below his apartment complex.
Fifteen minutes and a high speed bike ride later, he was left standing impatiently on Dagobah Municipal Beach Park waiting for the Symbol of Peace to arrive.
"Ah, my boy, what was it you wanted to show me?" All Might's booming voice called across the dunes of sand.
Unfortunately, this set off Izuku's bad mumbling habit and he went on and on about how if he covered his entire body in a low percent of One for All, then he could use it without breaking his bones.
"Woah, slow down. What is this about a low percentage cover?" All Might was confused and slightly proud. His boy had figured it out, and all on his own, too.
"I was drinking hot cocoa and I had marshmallows and I remembered the time my mom taught me how to roast marshmallows and then everything clicked." He smiled, no, beamed, at All Might. "You can't just use the fire to warm one part of the marshmallow because it will burn. You can't hold it too close, either. Just like I can't use One for All on one part of my body. But, if you evenly roast all of the marshmallow, then it won't burn. So if I can cover my entire body with One for All on a really low level, then I shouldn't break my bones!"
He was absolutely vibrating by the end of it. All Might was definitely proud now. The boy was smart, smarter than him and very much smarter then him at that age.
"That seems like a good hypothesis. Do you want to head to U.A. just incase it doesn't work?"
"That seems reasonable, lets go!" Izuku skipped off to Toshinori's beat up blue truck, an excited, Nedzu-like smile across his face. Toshinori shivered. He was glad Izuku was on their side, he also made a note to never let them meet.
(Little did he know, but Izuku would meet Nezu and said creature would start giving Izuku lessons in psychology and sociology. By the end of his first semester at U.A., Izuku could bring the entire country toppling down by starting a single rumor. But Toshinori didn't need to know that. :) )
It had worked. Izuku was nearly bursting at the seams. His idea had worked and he had a name for it. 'Full Cowling'. He didn't know what he was going to do with himself.
All he knew was that he was going to have a heck if a time at the prestigious school. He also met Nedzu. Who offered him some tea and they discussed his notebooks and analytical skills. Nedzu had promptly offered him lessons. And who was he to say no?
Anyway, he now had hope for the entrance exam, as well as the rest of the school year.
And that is how Izuku Midoriya became the greatest hero of all time.
~it's edited now.

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