Deku?! (Part 1)

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It had all started when Hagakure had done a little snooping. You know, the stuff you do when you're invisible. Just innocent peeking.

But then she opened Izuku's most recent Quirk Analysis notebook. She didn't really pay attention to anything until she saw her name. And then, oh boy, did she pay attention. And what she saw... to say the least she was absolutely terrified of the small green haired boy.

In that notebook was every single way to absolutely destroy her. Every way to spot and cripple her, kill her, smash her, crumble her to dust. She read how to negate her quirk, how to then trap her, how to get under her skin and extract information. And the scariest thing yet... he was right.

All of his information was completely and utterly correct.

So, the next day, when she was greeted by Izuku like normal, she froze. She was terrified of the boy. He could literally cripple her at any time.

"Ohayo, Hagakure-chan!" His smile was bright and his eyes sparkled. But all she could see was the writing on the pages.

"Oh, uh, ohayo! Midor-doriya-san." She shivered. She stood stock still until the boy had passed her and sat down. Only then did she dare to even breathe too deeply.

It was lunch when she decided to entrust the secret to anyone. And by anyone she meant Ojiro and Mina. Her best friends.

"Guys, psst!" She stage whispered, "Hurry and finish your food, I have to tell you guys about what i found yesterday!"

Mina, being a gossip queen, shoveled food down her throat like it would save the lives of thousands. Ojiro, on the other hand, finished his rice and chicken at a much milder pace, still being done not too long after Mina.

Sneaking away from Lunch Rush was easy, as well as finding a spot to talk privately. Mina was practically vibrating and Ojiro's tail swooshed in mild amusement.

"I was in Midoriya's room yesterday, just before curfew—don't interrupt me, Mina—and I was looking at his notebook on us..." the invisible girl shivered. She didn't want to go into detail, but she had to tell them. "Guys. This is serious. Midoriya could crush us all like ants under his feet."

"Well, yeah, his quirk is strength augmentation." Ojiro, the poor oblivious soul, stated the obvious.

"Oh no. I mean. He could do so without his quirk. He has dirt on everyone. I didn't read much, only my pages, but he knows how to get under my skin, how to get answers. He knows how to cripple each of us, he knows how to permanently negate our quirks. He could ruin us. He knows."  Tooru didn't know if it was the tone of her voice or the words she actually said, but the two paused. Their faces shifted to fear, then worry, and then slightly reassured fear.

"He wouldn't use it though, he's Midoriya!" Being the social butterfly she is, Mina had spent time with everyone in class. And while she was probably right, it still terrified Tooru that he had that sort of info on her.

"Do you want to know what he has on you?" She really didn't want to look at the notebook again, but she'd do it for her friends.

~it's edited now.

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