Quirk Ideas?

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What if Momo could consume the items she creates for an equal amount of energy for her quirk?
If Ochaco can make a ball go infinity, could she collaborate with Izuku in order yeet M*neta to the sun?
What if Izuku used One for All to not only augment his offensive abilities, but his defensive also? Like Wonder Woman, he could push the energy out of his arms in order to create a wind barrier. Or maybe he could use it like the shock absorption that the Nomu have? Like spread the energy just below the surface and when he takes a hit, he spreads it through out the energy. How does he create the energy for his quirk? Is it created by his movement? Sleep? Eating?
Could Mina learn to produce specific chemicals if she learned the compounds? Like chloroform or cyanide? Or is she restricted to her own acid? Can she change the acidity levels?
Can Todoroki create mist? Can he control water? Does he create the ice or does it form out if water particles in the air? Can he create ice sculptures? Can he make snow? Can he create fire threads? Like thin string like strands of fire? That would be useful for capture. Is his control over his ice enough to create fine frost paintings?
Can Kirishima choose the level he hardens his skin to or is it just on and off? If he can adjust the levels, can he harden his skin enough to fight and defend, but just low enough that he still has mobility?
Can Bakugou only produce nitroglycerin on his palms, or everywhere? If everywhere, why doesn't he use his feet to rocket around and his hands for direction and mobility? If not, can he detonate his sweat from a distance, or does it have to touch him? What does he use to detonate his sweat? If he can remotely activate his sweat, he could be able to collect it in the soles of his boots to use like thrusters.
If there is quirk that allows someone to steal and gift quirks, then there must be a quirk that allows someone to take and trade quirks. Not able to use them for themselves, but able to switch people's quirks up. Imagine the chaos.

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