Cannibalism and gore warning

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There was a story where Izuku was a cannibal, he had this wing made of something, he ran away, joined the L.o.V. And then betrayed them. Anyway. This was inspired by that, think if it like a one shot if the in between, before L.o.V. But after he ran away.

"Hey! Kid! You look lost. Do you need something? Food?" The poor stranger didn't know what they were getting themself into. The kid started muttering. "Kid?"

"Can't have-... coffee-... have to kill-... harder-... flesh-... only flesh-..." the kids rambling slowly got easier to hear as the stranger cautiously stepped closer.

"Human flesh-... fresh-... smelled so good-... Can't have normal food-... But coffee is okay- only black though-" the stranger was about four or five steps from the kid when he was lunged at. They could still hear the kid talking.

"Flesh, human flesh, only flesh. Have to kill you, have to. Smells so good. Better when the kill is fresh. Flesh. Flesh. Human only. Cannibal. Coffee, should've drank more coffee. Stupid me. But you-" the kid had turned away from them after the initial lunge, and was now turning back. "You smell so good. Like a pie. Do you work at a bakery?"

Numbly, the stranger nodded. They had no idea what the kid was going on about, but the way he was mumbling about flesh was weird. Creepy and eerie, especially since they were in an alley. At night. With no one around...

Maybe approaching this kid wasn't a good idea. As the stranger tuned back into the kids rant, they realized the kid was practically slobbering.

"Uh, kid, what- what do you want?" The moment the words left their mouth, they regretted it.

The look in the kid's eye became hungry and manic, his body language shifted from small, intimidated and scared. He seemed to take up more room than he did actually and he suddenly seemed much stronger than he had previously.

"Flesh. Yours. You smell so good. Please, just an arm." The kid smiled, it was wide, with too many teeth that were too sharp.

The stranger screamed. Well, almost, the kid smacked a hand over his mouth and ripped the strangers throat out with his teeth.


It was early in the morning when the owner of the bakery went out back to the dumpster to dispose of the trash.

Everything was going swimmingly before the owner decided to turn around.

A scream ripped through their throat and they fell back. Their hands flew to their mouth and an employee came flying out of the store, only to stop short as they saw what was in front of them.

Blood coated the walls, floor and dumpsters. There were bits and pieces everywhere, but most noticeably was the mostly eaten carcass laying at the center of it all.

Their shirt lay in taters around the shattered remnants of what was a ribcage. All that was left of the legs and arms were disturbingly clean bones, laid not quiet in order on their respective parts of the corpse.

There was a wallet, but it had been shredded along with its contents. Anything that had been left behind had been shredded, showing that whoever had done this was smart. But they had left one thing.

As the employee called the police, the owner inched forward to see if they could identify the corpse. Unfortunately, they couldn't, but they could make out what seemed to be bite marks in the bones.

Nearly retching up their breakfast, then owner turned away.

Whoever had done this was sick and disgusting.

~it's edited now.

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