"Listen, kid..."

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"Can someone without a quirk, someone like me, become a hero?"
That day, when the green haired boy had yelled that question, he was just hoping for some inspiring words. He didn't expect to be set on a new career path. But, life is funny like that.
"Listen, kid... there are a lot of things quirk-less people can do, but being a pro hero isn't one of them. There are people in this world who are just too much for someone without a power to handle. But, if you're looking to be a hero, I know a way you can contribute. You've heard of the support department, right?" Yagi really hoped he was doing the right thing. He had explained to the kid that he had a limited time and all that junk, but now? Now he hoped he hadn't killed this kid's heart.
Luckily, the kid's head perked up and his eyes sparkled. He seemed to put the ducks in a row before All Might could count them. "Are you- are you saying that I should- should join the support department? That would be so cool! I could keep the heroes safe! I'd save the people who save others!"
The kid—Izuku Midoriyawent on rambling. He has the makings of a support techy, and he seems smart. A recommendation seems to be in order.
"Hey, kid. Look, I can set you up with some university chemistry books and some other stuff to get you started, but you have to put the work in. You'll be applying to U.A., I assume? Good." That was exceptionally easier than Yagi had thought. The boy could make logical assumptions as fast a Nedzu. There's an idea. "And kid? There's someone I want you to meet, okay? Tomorrow at noon, be at the cat café that just opened. Don't be late."
The whole next day was spent worrying, up until eleven thirty, when his mom told him to get ready. He really hoped he wasn't going to ruin his one shot at being anything close to a pro-hero. He had never been this anxious in his life. (That was a lie, he was always this nervous around Kacchan.)
As he made his way to the coffee shop, he couldn't help but fidget. He was worried that he'd say the wrong thing or come across as rude or unruly. He was anxious about a lot, too, but that would have to wait, seeing as the shop was right in front of him and he could see All Might and... Was that principal Nedzu? The principal of U.A.?
He almost, almost, turned around and went back home. But, he took a deep breath, set his shoulders and shouldered the door open. The bell chimed and the pair looked up.
Calm Izuku, happy Izuku. It's just All Might and Principal Nedzu. You got this, there's no problem. Just talking to the principal of your dream school and your idol.
He was freaking himself out, but he pit a pleased smile on his face. "Hi! My name is Midoriya Izuku, it's nice to meet you!"
"Hello, Midoriya-san. My name is Nedzu. Toshinori-san here has told me that you have an incredible mind." The small mammal laughed as Izuku blushed.
"Ah, really? I'm not that smart, not at all!" Izuku didn't want to seem overconfident or arrogant.
"Hmm..." Nedzu's eyes seemed to see into his soul, and Izuku shuddered. "You are smart."
The way he said it made Izuku want to believe him, but it also left no room for arguments.

~edited+i might work more on this

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