Believe in your Dreams ( The Vamps FanFic)

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This is my first fan fiction and Id love to hear what people think about it... Thank you in advance for reading it...

It was a sunny Autumn morning, all the leaves were gradually falling off the trees, this was the time of year I loved the most. I rolled out of bed and quickly grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs today was the day I was meeting my best friend I hadn't seen her for a while as she had been on vacation so we needed to have a catch up and discuss our favourite thing of all time The Vamps. Oh yes I forgot to Introduce myself my names Chloe-Marie. 

I jumped in the shower whilst I put my porridge on to cook, Breakfast is an essential part of the day. My phone lit up it was a text off Beatrice( My Best friend) telling me she was nearly ready and she was on her way to my house. I wasn't even dressed, I was just having my Breakfast when the doorbell rang. I ran to the front door and dragged Beatrice into the house and told her how the day was planned out, we would go to our favourite hang out then to McDonalds then we would crash back at my house for a girly sleepover then she would go home the following morning.

As I was getting ready Beatrice put 4music on and The Vamps came on so i stopped getting ready and stared at the screen whilst trying not to dribble at James face, His smile is just perfect and his voice is Heaven. I was now ready so we left the house and began our walk to our favourite Hangout, It was somewhere only we knew about as it wasn't a popular place nobody knew it was there, about 2 years ago we built ourselves a little den in the woods it was very hidden and we were the only people who knew it was there, the woods wasn't a very popular place, it was deserted nobody really went there and if they did it was only dog walkers. we were nearly there now its not very far from my house, on our way to the den i wrote a few tweets on twitter.

With my girl on the way to our little hideout, how peaceful..@ohhbeatrice

Guess where we are going @thevampsjames 

All I heard was Beatrice grumbling because the boys hadn't been on twitter all morning i guess she got a little upset when she couldn't read things off the boys. We were here now and as we walked up we could see there was somebody in our den! we were so annoyed because that was ours so we decided we would go and confront these 4 boys sat in our den! I walked up and tapped a smallish blonde haired boy on his back he turned round and I couldn't believe what I saw I screamed and Beatrice came running thinking the worst that i had been hurt or something, Beatrice couldn't believe her eyes either.

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