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Author's POV

Taehyung didn't expect the encounter to be like that. He expected to meet a matured woman who is ready to complain about her mother's craziness.

He didn't expect to meet the girl he almost hit last night. He chuckled when he recalled her annoyed face awhile ago when he refused to apologize.

He almost felt bad about it. Sure, he should have apologized last night but he was too annoyed at her. He almost did this morning but her annoyed face amused him so much that he didn't. You don't get to annoy pretty faces everyday, why not take advantage of it?

" Oh, Kim taehyung, you're smiling since you entered the building's elevator. Who's the girl? "

Park Jimin, his annoying bestfriend asked. He didn't even notice him inside the elevator when he entered it.

" Why do people just pop out of nowhere these days? Geez. "

He muttered under his breath, frowning.

" Oh so a woman popped out of nowhere before you this morning? Did you lie about visiting your grandmother? You met your woman didn't you? I knew you'll find someone eventually after Ki-"

" Why would I lie about visiting my grandmother? And I don't have a woman asshole. "

Jimin sipped his tea and gave him a look. The kind of look you give your bestfriend when you know they're lying.

" I've known you my whole life Taehyung. You only smile randomly when A) You have a girl B) You met a girl C) You're interested with a girl. So, which one is it buddy? "

Taehyung ignored the little blonde guy beside him. Instead, he gave him a CD.

" Listen to this. Bang PD asked me to work on this a couple of months ago. I think a big artist wants it. I arranged some of the melody. So listen to it. "

Jimin nodded and grabbed the CD.

" I told you you'd do great yesterday. Now it's piling up! Next time you'll know, you'll have your own studio next to Namjoon hyung. "

Taehyung chuckled and grabbed the tea his best friend was drinking as they both got off the elevator.

" Do you know the artist who's willing to have your work? "

Taehyung shook his head. He too was curious about it. He's been wondering about it since yesterday when he suddenly received a call from their boss.

" Oh! Namjoon hyung do you know which artist is coming by today? "

The older guy went to greet them with a smile. He turned to Taehyung and gave him a pat on the shoulder, a proud one.

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