I wanted to put the description as but it was long.Which one you preferred.

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     ********FLASH BACK**********

       Frozen in shock the young asgardian stared at the frost giant that stood in front of him. The frost giant had to stand at at least 25 feet trumping Loki's 5 ft 3 in. The crown that had donned the giants head indicated that he was Laufey King of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim.

       Laufey stared down at the ebony haired child. "An Asgardian? You must be with Odin's group than child? I am heading to meet him now how about you come with me." Laufey's voice surprisingly soft toward the boy. "May I ask your name child?" Laufey had asked wishing to know the name of the brave soul who had decided to wander through the frozen halls of his castle.

       The boy straightened his back standing tall, the stance of a royal child. "I am Loki Odinson, God of Mischief." Though his stance radiated confidence his voice wavered ever so slightly.

        Laufey nodded chuckling at the boy, holding out his much larger hand to shake the child's "I am Laufey, King of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim. And it seems i have to bring you back to your father little one." He smiled at the child's slight glare.

        With shocking speed Loki shot forward moving quickly past Laufey, who stood staring in shock at the quick movements of the child. Laufey moved quickly barley being able to catch the boy lifting him into the air. Loki sat dazed in the giants hands. "You are very quick for an asgardian." Laufey muttered before freezing staring at where Loki's hands had touched Laufey's skin.

       "Impossible...." Laufey gasps as he stared at Loki, whose hands had turned blue which was starting to climb up his arms. Leaving in its wake light blue skin and jotun markings.

       Loki's eyes widen in shock, the boy stared at his rapidly blue turning skin. "W.....what? What kind of trickery are you pulling. This jest of yours holds no amusement to me." Loki growled at Laufey.

       "I promise on my own title child this is no jest. I may be a skilled mage, but t'is I would never put an illusion like this on a child." He had paused. "I wish to cast a reversal charm on you. If this is truly the work of a sorcerer or mage it should disappear. And remove any other charm place upon your being. Will you allow me to do so Loki?" Laufey stared at the child unsure if the spell would return his skin to it fair appearance or another possibility is remove the fair look and reveal that the boys true skin is the same blue that his arms seemed to be.

       Loki frowned softly looking at the significantly older being. "......Yes.... Do it, I have a feeling that what is soon to be revealed will be...... eventful to say the least." Loki muttered. Laufey nodded his agreement before slowly lowering Loki to the ground and waving his hand, a thick air of magic washed over the pair causing Loki to take in a sharp intake of breath. His eyes squeezed his eyes shut as laufey continued to use his magic to reverse any illusions or charms on him.

      A slight stab of pain had Loki gritting his teeth. Afraid to open his eyes unsure to what he will open them to see.

       "......Odin will pay" The snarl that left the being in front of Loki caught him by surprise, Making him shoot his eyes open to look at the angered face of Laufey.

       "King Laufey? What is it?" The small and unsure voice that left Loki was uncharacteristically strange for the god of mischief.

       Laufey's eyes snap up to Loki's seeming to remember that Loki was still there."Well Loki, It seems that you have had an powerful illusion like charm place upon you from a very young age.... You are not an Asgardian. You are a Jotun." Laufey stared at the look of complete and utter shock that changed to one pure hatred and anger. Loki's red eyes flashed as the temperature lowered even more.

        "Loki. Calm yourself child, We shall put this illusion back upon you, and bring you back to Odin. If you wish to bring this up to him you may. Or" Laufey smirked softly "You could keep this news to you, return to Jotun when ever you wish to try and find which family you hail from. Also learn to control your Jotun ability's and use them to your advantage." Laufey offered knowing which of the choices Loki would choose.

         Loki nodded slowly before frowning, "I would be killed in minutes on this planet. I am obviously a Jotun runt. I would be killed just for that." Loki snarled annoyed that Laufey thought he would be able to trick Loki.

         The look that showed on Laufeys face was one of utter disgust. "Jotun's do not kill our runts!" He sounded highly offended at the accusation. "Runts in Jotun are rare. Most of the runts that are born on jotun die terribly quick...." Laufey paused thinking of his eldest son who was a runt, who had been kidnapped as an infant. "If they do survive, runts are treasured.... Hel if they survived they are treated like royalty and trained in combat both magical and physical. Runts are the best warriors because they are underestimated by their opponents, of course they are only trained to be assassins or soldiers if they want to be." Laufey reminisced as Loki retained all the information he was told.

        "I will be delighted to be able to return..... I pick the second option King Laufey."

***FlashBack Over***

       "Loki? You awake in there Reindeer games?" A man with dark sparkling brown eyes questioned Loki as he wrapped his arms tighter around Loki's middle.

      "Mmm? Yes Antony I am awake, what is it?" Loki asked amused at the mortal who was currently wrapped around him.

      "Well before you went all mute and motionless on me I had asked you about Jotunheim." The recently deemed Antony replied cautiously. 


Alright new story two different descriptions Actually I might just turn this into a chapter. Ya know what Imma turn it into a chapter. Boom there we go 

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