Loki's Annoyance (AKA Tony and his ignoring of Loki's warnings)

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To believe all that has happened within the last few months was unfathomable. The battle and the deaths of many innocent people weighed on Tony's conscience. He couldn't close his eyes without seeing the faces and names of the people who had lost their lives due to the battle. He spent hours going over everything that had happened in every single persons life, trying to help their surviving families as much possible. Whether it being paying the rent or helping their child get a scholarship for college.

Taking a deep breath staring at the files in front of him, The files didn't contain the normal faces and families of the fallen civilians. No this file contained a very familiar face, the photo though slightly blurry showed the asgardian staring back at Tony, a devious smirk on his face as he looked into the lens of the camera. Sighing at the file which indicated that Loki was last seen in Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica. Why Loki was on the coldest continent in the world? Tony knew not, though he did have a suspicion, A memory that drifted through Tony's mind. A memory that had included a blonde loose-lipped Asgardian prince who explained Asgards politics and the battles that have happened recently on Asgard. And recently for Thor Odinson was within the last 400-600 years. The war with the Jotuns had been FAR before Tony's existence, but Thor had recalled the memory of the war as if it had been just a few days before and not hundreds of years ago. He had spoken of how they had fought the Jotuns and the story that circulated around Asgard about the Jotunheim people. The stereotypes that Asgardians had about Jotuns had been as bad as the stereotypes that were on Earth, if not worse seeing how the life span of an Asgardian and Jotuns were hundreds of time that of humans. The true part of Tony's talk with Thor that had shocked him was when Thor had offhandedly told Tony that Loki was a Jotun.

((A/N: I am not trying to offend anyone with this last paragraph. I am sorry if I had)))

Shaking his head Tony broke out of his thoughts snarling slightly at being distracted. He had to figure out how to track Loki without making it obvious he was trying to find the older god. Tossing the file onto the table, Tony walked out of his lab asking J.A.R.V.I.S to shut down the lab. Walking to the elevator leaning against on of the walls as it moved toward the common floor of the Avengers tower, the cold metal soothed the impending migraine that throbbed at the base of his skull. The ding of the elevator alerted him that he had reached the common floor, making the throb in his skull multiply. Groaning he stumbled into the common room ignoring the others that laid around spread across the couches and chairs watching TV. Trying to make his way quickly to coffee maker and or the liquor cabinet, which ever came first. It was the coffee maker.

All the noise had stopped once Tony walked into the room. Every avenger watched the worn out genius stumble through out the room toward the kitchen. The man had obviously not slept for a few days if the practically black circles were anything to go by. A few minutes later Tony stepped out of the kitchen with a comically large coffee mug in his hands.

"Wow Tony, you look like complete and utter shit." a deep voice alerted Tony of the others company.

"Thank legolas. That makes me feel a 100 time fucking better cunt." Tony snarled at the blonde, Glaring as if it would make Clint disappear instead of Tony having to deal with him. Moving to sit at one of the chairs by the island. Placing his head on his hand, hoping no one would speak to him. But of course luck is something he was lacking quite a bit in the last few weeks.

"Tony if you would have actually got your ass out of that lab, you could have helped us with things that actually matter instead of messing with your stupid bots." A feminine snarl greeting Tony in retaliation. Slowly Tony raised his head, turning slowly looking at the owner of the voice.

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