chapter 6

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A screeching mechanical sound emanated throughout the tech lab of S.H.E.I.L.D. Many listening agents flinching or letting out soft shouts.

"Get the director!!!" A panicked shout sounded through the room as three different agents raced towards the entrance. Before reaching the door, it was swung open a man wearing an eye patch speed-walked into the room right up to the computer. "Replay it. NOW!"

"Yes, sir!!!!" Rewinding the video quickly the agent clicked play "Well, I guess it's time to take a nice nap. God knows Peps is gonna kill me if I don't. But aye shes, not the only one trying" A pause before Stark's voice started again. "Is she, Fury?" The metallic screech echoed throughout the room once again. 

"How the HELL DID HE KNOW IT WAS US!!!!!!!! YOU TOLD ME THOSE DAMN BUGS WERE UNTRACEABLE!" The sentence started out calm before bursting into the shout of a mad man. The agents stuttered in shock before answering.

 "I...I don't know sir, I mean his IS a genius." The agent flinching back as Fury's glare darkened further. 

"That is why we have to find a way to get rid of him, Johnson. He is a threat, a danger to all of us. That man is unstable and could care less about who he hurts to get what he wants." He hissed more towards the population of the room. "We must find a way to get rid of Stark while making it look like he either died by accident or had to be taken out for the safety of the world. I need to talk to Rogers, Barton, and Romanoff." The man, FUry, muttered to himself before walking away and out of frame. 

6 people sat in front of the plasma television their eyes trained on where the man, Fury, disappeared to. The first to speak was a young blonde woman her eyes alight with the fire of 100 suns. "How dare he!" she snarled toward the screen. "I will kill hi-" she was cut off by the man next to her pulling her into a searing kiss. 

"Peps, Love, calm down" He smiled at the firey blonde next to him. His eyes showing pure love toward the woman next to him. 

"Happy that asshole just said he had to find a way to KILL Tony." Her eyes still ablaze. two chuckles sounded through the room. causing the couple to whip their heads towards the sources of the chuckles. 

"Pepper," Tony smiled at his long-time friend. "It will be fine. I mean sure Fury trying to kill me is a little concerning. But truly it wouldn't be the first time that someone I use to trust tries to kill me. None have succeeded and I'm not planning on letting it any time soon!" Tonys' smile was blinding, his confidence not surprising. 

The poison eyed male next to him smiled kindly towards the blond. "Either way young one, I would never let that blasted man touch Tony."

"Loki, you would reveal that you are not dead to save Tony?" Her voice pitched slightly in both concern and slight disbelief. 

Raised eyebrows are what met her in return, before Loki smirked, "I would give my own life to save Tony." Loki turned to said man, A glare glowing in the other mand golden-red eyes. 

"You will not." He hissed darkly. "You will not, I won't allow it." 

"Then I guess neither of us shall die than Love." Loki counter with a perfect glare. Tony huffed in response. 

Bruce shook his head at the scene before him. a soft smile on his face as he watched his friends- no his family talk. "what I believe everyone is saying is that we will protect each other to our best abilities." He chuckled as the others nodded smiling in thanks towards the other scientist. "Now rationally what can we do to stop fury and his gang of merry men and women?"

Silence followed only for a few seconds before Loki muttered a quiet suggestion earning a snort from tony. 

"What did you say Loki?" Pepper asked calmly a soft smile on her face as she watched the pale man bow his head slightly in thought. 

"Oh come on Lokes that was great please tell them!" Tony begged while trying not to laugh. 

Loki glaring at tony huffed before speaking, "We could push the pirate overboard." He pauses as the others try to stop themselves from laughing. "Into a boiling pool of tar." 

Once again silence envelopes the room before Tony snorts in laughter. Bruce and Bucky shake their heads at the god chuckling quietly, while Happy and Pepper stare at the duo. 

Tony smile stretches across his face in a shark-like smile. "Well, I for one love that idea. Seems like it would be an interesting way to get rid of not just Fury, but also S.H.I.E.L.D." Loki rolls his eyes at the man whos practically sprawled across his lap. 

"I was joking Anthony." Loki deadpanned.

"Oh," Tony muttered. 

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