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Bruce Banner a man of few words. 

Was currently using his vast vocabulary to ask a million questions a second. Currently not caring if he got answers at the moment he just had to get his rapid-fire questions out. 

Just so happens the questions were not vocalized by the scientist.

"Tony...That is Loki." Bruce was the first sentence out of the man's mouth when he found the ability to speak once again. "Thank you for that astute observation there doc." Tony drawled smirking. "J.A.V.I.S. activated Lockdown procedure just for my lab please." The A.I complied happily, the sound of machinery moving almost soundlessly drifted through the air. Metal plates shifted in front of all window and doors in the lab. "Complete"

"Now Bruce. Here's the deal, yes I am with Loki. Have been for..... about 4 years give or take. And before you say anything, yes before I even knew of S.H.I.E.L.D, hydra or some other random government agency such as the CCG. I have been helping and being helped by him." The blunt explanation had Bruce dropping into a chair staring back and forth at his best friend and the supposed enemy god.  

"4 years." he paused not quite knowing what the hell to do. "I almost killed him...." a quiet mutter followed.

Laughter followed causing Bruce to look up confused, Tony and Loki were both leaning against the table a few feet away from him. "Dr. Banner you did not almost kill me. Throw me around like a rag doll? Yes. Do the almost impossible and give me motion sickness? Yup most definitely. Ruin Tony's floor and cause me to throw up for 10 minutes in a bathroom on Tony's private floor? Uh huh. But no you did not almost kill me. Trust me Mr.Green you may be extremely strong and a raging beast, but you would have to try harder to kill me. But I request that you do not." 

"I second that request" Tony quipped smiling like a child on Christmas morning. Receiving a cuff to the back of his head for his troubles. "Damn no need to be so ruff in public Frostbite leave it for the bedroom," Tony grumbled earning another wack upside the head from a smirking Loki.

Bruce deciding to be quiet analyzing the information he received and the decisions he has to make.  As the last tidbit of information ran through his mind his head snapped back up in question. 

"See Lokes I told you he would get it." Tony smiled victoriously, Loki frowned "Shut it Stark." 

"You two are together....." Bruce muttered quietly, his eyes still wide in clear shock unable to react correctly.

"Ding ding ding you got now what ya want for a prize there Hulkster?" Tony asked seriously no hint of him joking was found. His eyebrow raised in question waiting for a response from the other scientist. 

 "Nothing. You have a plan, a reason you told me... Why?" his voice quiet, not scared just confused. Tony smirked. "Well, Brucie I can trust you. You are the only person beside Loki, Peps, Happy, and Bucky that I can trust to know about this." A smirk firmly planted on the man's face.  "So you have to choices here. Stay, help me and Loki destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. and a few other picky things. Or you can have your mind wiped, be dropped off on your private floor, stay in the pocket of S.H.I.E.L.D and have a higher chance of dying by either my hand or one of the four people that I had listed before. Personally, I hope you choose the first one, but the choice is yours, Bruce." A smile on Tony's face made it seem as if they were having a simple conversation about an everyday occurrence such as the weather.

"Well. Choose we may have all day, But I have things I need to do." Loki drawled before smirking amusement and mischief dancing in his eyes. "For example, Anthony." 

Bruce stared his eyes wide as Tony snorted before breaking down laughing his face red. Bruce blushed crimson matching tony's at the innuendo.

"No need to act so innocent. Now, what is your choice?"

Bruce smile uneasily, "I am staying with what I said earlier Tony, you are my family and I am not leaving your side. Let's bring these assholes down!!!" Bruce smiled happily. Tony's expression matching his own. 

Loki chuckled shaking his head at the pair smirking. Handing Bruce a piece of paper and pen. "This states that you will not betray myself or Tony or harm either of us in any way with the intent to harm severely or kill. And in return, Tony and I will keep you protected and will not betray you as long as you stay loyal." 

Bruce nodded reading through the contract huffing as he looked at his full name 'Robert Bruce Banner' "If either of you starts calling me Robert or bob I will throw a chair at you." Tony chuckled nodding in understanding. Signing the contract he looked back at Loki and Tony. "What now?"

The two smirked, "Now you leave so Loki and I can go and fuck like bunnies of course." 

"Ewwww," Bruce said making his way out of the lab as fast as possible. Laughter followed the permanently scared man.

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