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A few minutes later tony came to throwing his arm across Loki's waist and cuddling into his chest.
"I think.... im slushy..." tony mumbled quietly into Loki's chest. Loki raised his eyebrows in question, before he could inquire further tony closed his eyes quietly murmuring in his sleep. He just accepted his mates blissed out mind spewed out nonsense. Kissing tony on the forehead chuckling he closed his eyes and fell into the realm of Morpheus.

—Next Morning—
Loki woke to screaming and a mechanical voice trying to calm the voice. Moving quickly Loki looked around him trying to find Tony, not seeing him on the bed, he rushed looking over the side of the couch seeing Tony on the ground in a fetal position sobbing. Sliding to the floor Loki carefully moved so he didn't touch Tony in case he freaked out.
"Anthony, Love?" Loki moved carefully sitting beside him. Tony let out a soft shriek and tightened more into his fetal position, he started shaking still sobbing. Loki hummed quietly thinking of how to calm his mate. Loki smiled softly before starting to recite a song that Tony had pointed out that it seemed like a calming song. Loki smiled before starting.

"Look how the lights of the town,
The lights of the town are shinning now,
Tonight I'll be dancing around,
I'm off on the road to Galway now...."

Tony sniffed as his sobbing turned to slow crying then hiccuping as Loki sang. Carefully he turned toward Loki slowing moving to curl into the other mans chest. Whimpering as he wrapped his arms around Loki's waist and hiding his face in Loki's neck.
"It's alright love I'm here." Loki quietly muttered wrapping His arms around Tony's curled up body. The brunette slowly stopped whimpering and look up to Loki with watery glazed eyes. Loki's heart broke at the vulnerable look on the younger mans face.
Loki slowly brought his hand up to rest it on Tony's cheek. A tan hand placed over his own pale one, tony nuzzled Loki's hand with a soft grimace that loki guessed was suppose to be a reassuring smile of some sort.

"Anthony..." The brunette looked at Loki not meeting his eyes. Carefully loki place a finger underneath Tonys chin making him look loki in the eye. "My love, what happened?" His voice soft and calming.

"N...nothing I'm f...fine." He stuttered softly before frowning at himself. He whimpered at the sound of his cracking voice.
"Anthony I know you are not okay. I awoke to you screaming and on the floor in a fetal position. That is not okay my dear." Loki said bluntly. Tony opened his mouth to respond but all that came out was a squeak as Loki moved picking him up. Tony instantly wrapped his arms and legs around Loki like a koala. Loki chuckled as he walked towards their room. Flicking his wrist the room reverted to its original state.

Opening the door to the bed room, loki walked through. Tony nuzzled his neck softly tightening his arms and legs around Lokis bare neck and waist. Loki laid down in the middle of the bed, Tony relaxed on Loki's chest unraveling his legs from around Loki's waist. Stretching like a cat on Loki's chest tony smile as he finally started to truly relax. "It was about Steve."

"What?" Loki questioned tilting his head.
"The dream," Tony paused resting his head on Loki's chest. "It was about Steve and Siberia." He stopped talking for a second. Loki ran his hand through tonys hair.
"You don't have to tell me if you wish love." Loki smiled at Tony.
Tony shrugged alittle "It fine, I um well it was just a nightmare about the evens with Steve and Siberia."
Loki tilted his head softly thinking before speaking "Was Mr.Barnes not in it?" He questioned confused.
Tony instantly shook his head "No I don't blame Bucky, He was scared and cornered. I didn't really wanted to hurt him when i found out. I had just want to rant and ask him questions maybe punch him, but I wouldn't of killed him no matter how angry i got. But before I could even ask him a question Steve attacked screaming that he wouldn't let me hurt 'his' Bucky." Tony crinkled his nose a little.
Loki growled. "He attacked when you hadn't made a single move, how cowardly!?!" He snarled. Tony smiled a little.
"Agreed" he chuckled.

Tony yawned falling asleep on Loki's chest.

Loki watched as tony fell asleep. A few hours later Loki magicked up a clone carefully they switched places. Loki disappeared appearing in Steves flat. His eyes glowing brightly before his form changed and gained a semi translucent look. His hair grew and gained bigger curls and lightened to a dark brown, he went from his normal 6 ft 1 3/4 inch to 5 ft 7 inch. His body turning from masculine to feminine with amazing curves. Loki smirked darkly as his emerald green eyes turned a chocolate brown. He now resemble the one and only Peggy Carter. Wearing the same clothing that Steve had last seen her in. Slowly 'Peggy' moved down the hallway to the main room where he heard the tv running and a strong smell of alcohol. Rounding the corner Lokis shark like smile switched to a softer 'your dead' smile. Steve sat on the couch watching the tv drinking straight from a strong bottle of alcohol. Perfect.

"Steve?" 'Peggy' called out softly. Steve froze on the couch before shaking his head. 'Peggy' called his name again he shook his head again muttering that he should stop drinking. "STEVEN GRANT ROGERS!" 'Peggy' shouted. Steve froze befor whipping around staring at where loki stood his eyes wide in shock.
"P...Peggy?" He mutter his eyes wide in shock, it was obvious he was shocked and scared. "H...how? How are you here?! You're dead, you cant possibly be here." Steve was still in shock.

"Who the HELL do you think you are" Peggy snarled. "You evil man."
Steve blinked slowly opening and closing his mouth, "I...I what do you mean?"
"What do I mean?" 'Peggy' hisses darkly "You attacked a man who was grieving. That is vile and utterly disgusting. You almost killed him." She hiss with pure hatred. Steve whimpered before replying, "I was keeping Bucky safe."
Peggy laughed darkly "Keeping him safe. You think almost killing a man, and let me remind you Bucky had KILLED his parent. But you think Anthony was going to attack him." She steamed "You almost killed a good man. You are lucky he hasn't gotten his revenge."

Steve watched "He couldn't get revenge on me." He hissed "He is nothing without that suit and his money. The public would be on my side if he even tried anything anyway." Steve huffed.
A harsh laugh bursted forth form the 'ghost' "Oh you think so? You think a that a billionaire who has multiple different charities and a finger in every pot of American and non American government. He could easily destroy you with a few simple words and videos. Trust me Steve you would lose so quickly." Peggy hissed her eyes darkening in anger. "You sicken me, you are no captain. You are a liar."

Loki disappeared and reappeared in place of his clone back in his normal form wrapping his arms around his mate before slipping into a peaceful slumber with a smile on his face.
Here ya go peoplez
Hope y'all like it!


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