6. The Committee Deliberates

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I LOOK at Hermes with concern. Maybe I do need a few minutes to process before I get the answers which don't sound easy to come by. I'm afraid my head might explode, but also I'm dying for a wee and I genuinely can't concentrate on anything when I'm desperate.

"Hold that thought, I just need... a few minutes," I say finally and Alex does a double-take.

"Of course," Hermes answers and I race off to the toilet.

I splash my face with cold water after I'm done. This has been heavy. I've learned I'm not alone, that there's a horrible crime in motion, there are Gods who created the world, I have my Gift from some twisted gene and I have an actual deity in my living room.

How can this be real? Is it real? I have a distinctly ordinary life except for this mad occurrence and I'd swear I was insane if it weren't for the fact I know I'm not. Being insane is too exciting for my life.

Gods. Wars. Titans. Abilities. It's all whirling around my head like a tornado of information and while I follow it, I just don't get it. Presumably Hermes is giving us the introductory explanation as even I know with my zero knowledge of mythology that the Titans weren't cuddly, lovable mentors.

So I go and make put the kettle on for a cup of tea which is my equivalent of a drag on a cigarette. Hermes calls over a request for coffee and I ignore the fact he hasn't earned the right to yell for drinks in my home. As I wait for the kettle to boil Alex shuffles into the kitchen and stands near me.

"Tea, Alex?" I ask, pointing to the mugs as if there was any doubt as to what a cup of tea was.

"Just milk, thanks," he says.

With all of the drama going in I haven't had the chance to look at him and now we're in bright spotlights I can see his striking face. He looks a little older than me, perhaps around thirty, and his quiet manner indicates a shy, thoughtful person.

"So... where are you from?"

He seems taken aback by such a normal question.

"Kent," he responds. "Where am I now?"

"Not far from York. I'm an administrator; what do you do?"

"I'm an architect." A silence briefly falls as I make the tea but I'm not uncomfortable- I'm happy to simply be with someone who appreciates how messed up this whole thing is.

"I hate my ability," he says suddenly. His dark eyes are cast down to the floor and he's shuffling his feet like he's trying to say something important.

"Me too. I've lost out on so much of my life because of it." Saying it out loud didn't feel as emotional as I thought even though I try to resist thinking about it. He looks up at me and gives a wry smile. I notice his entire face brightens as he smiles and a glimpse of a different person lifts through him.

"Let's get back over there and find out what we can do to change that."


As Hermes sips the coffee his eye twitches minutely and I'm glad my substandard human coffee is bothering his immortally developed palate. Sorry my coffee wasn't brewed in Mount Wherever with Goddesses milking magical cows.

"When I said it wasn't easy it's because the Gods have always had a... thing... about humans deserving what they received. It was meant to make humans not expect help from us and also to stop us giving unnatural benefits to favourite mortals. In order to release you from your gift you need to directly complete a worthy deed," Hermes explains in what he clearly thinks is a clear explanation. I stare at him nonplussed.

"For example," he continues with a slightly impatient tone, "if your sibling needed a kidney and you willingly donated yours that would be a worthy enough deed to be excused. If you perhaps overheard part of a conversation about a planned crime and you prevented it yourself, that would be good enough."

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