22. In Vino Veritas

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BRIEFLY the thought crosses my mind to pull her up on this slip of the tongue; it could be innocent or an indication of something more sordid going on. 

But her glass is running low so I order another, feeling this may be a tool to get answers, albeit with dodgy morality, but surely this is justifiable when it comes to saving a life?

"How often do you have events and functions?" I say with interest. "Is it a big part of your life?"

"Oh yes, in fact," she leans in with a whisper, "I'm really very in demand around here. I like to get involved in the area and they're always happy to have me come to functions, openings, that kinda thing."

Either she's really full of herself or she's genuinely not self aware, either way she's a very handy source but ultimately I need to figure out how I can use her routine and intercept Docker and his pal before they hurt her. 

Maybe I should just cut to the chase.

"Elaine, do you not get loads of weirdoes trying to talk to you, though?" Even though I don't feel the part of an easy-going friend I have to get on and play it.

She rolls her eyes and takes another glug of wine.

"You have no idea, Ella, honestly," Elaine tells me, flopping back in her seat, "just yesterday at the council meeting this geezer said if I knew what we were getting into to stop my husband if I knew what's good for me! Just wandered up behind me, mumbled at me, left! Absolute nutters."

My ears prick up. 

"Did you get a look a him?" I say in what I hope is a concerned manner.

"Nah, too busy, but he had a local accent, you know?"

It has to be Docker and this tells me he's not ready to act yet if he's warning her off, which is vaguely encouraging. However at that moment Eric Smith and Alex return to the table. Eyes greedily pour over Alex for any hint of how things have gone but he's at a normal level of activity, no hints to give anything away.

"Oh, I see the girls have started without us," Eric observes, indicating the wine. Alex raises an eyebrow and I give the tiniest of shrugs.

"We've been getting to know each other, ain't we?" Elaine grins as she beckons the waiter over. Eric gives a wide smile.

"Good, hopefully you'll be talking this lovely couple into joining us. I've just introduced Alex to David Close from JLD, he's been calming your worries about this," he says smoothly.

He gives nothing away in his expression but I know for a fact that Alex isn't a fool. He won't be won over by some unctuous weasel in a suit. 

The rest of the lunch is less productive as far as we're concerned as it gradually becomes an open ground for Eric Smith to regale us with stories of his own victories and accomplishments. He has in passing referred to different areas he's lived in, which ties in with the information Alex found out about him. He's mentioned once or twice he owns property so that possibly explains why they're wealthy without having a job.

Elaine steadily gets more sloshed as the lunch draws to a close and Eric graciously pays for it. I end up telling Elaine I love the sound of life here and I really want to look properly into moving, and could I have her number to keep in touch and possibly meet the Ladies' Association? She was most obliging.


The drive home was full of chatter. The slippery David Close had been spin doctoring the whole process to Alex and repeatedly explaining that James Larson himself was a very skilled prject manager and has spent a great amount of time planning it. Total nonsense, clearly, but I guess that's what he's there for.

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