17. Factory Settings

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I'm not sure if I'll ever get over the mortification of being outed as an internet stalker but at least we have a bit more to go on in our search.

We decide to go around the town a bit more and try to gather a few more opinions. Generally people were happy to talk as it's obviously a hot topic for the area so we managed to get a wide array of ideas. Additionally Alex has since referred to me as his cousin and also his carer, which was equally hilarious and confusing.

The people here are quite divided in their siding on this. There are more openly against, I think, but this is only one part of the area, no doubt the people in surrounding estates will have further views.  The tricky part now is finding out about Mayor Smith and his wife.

"Do you think it's time to visit the site?" A voice says from a distant place. I've been thinking so much I forgot why we were here.

"Yeah, I think it's time. That lady in the post office said it's about three miles out of town, in the direction of the river."

As we head towards the car a glamorous lady strides past us, her clothing and jewellery clearly showing her status. But it's not her diamonds I'm interested in, it's her identity.

"Alex, it's her, it's the wife!" I hiss, clutching his arm. He nudges me in her direction as she crosses the square to a swanky-looking hairdressers salon. We slink over there looking like the world's worst ninjas and peer through the window.

"I'm going in," I say suddenly as I dart into the salon before Alex can give me a cautionary tale of woe.

The music gently hits my ears along with the chatter and buzz of a busy salon. At the reception desk stands Mrs. Elaine Smith, looking very neat and tidy in her pink fitted trousers and patterned blouse. She's two steps away from being gaudy but manages to reign it in just enough to be a respectable Mayor's wife.

"...need to change my usual time next Saturday, Amber," I catch her saying to the receptionist, "I'll need to be in an hour earlier, Eric and I have a luncheon to attend."

"Let me see... shouldn't be a problem, Mrs. Smith... yes, half past nine with Nicky on Saturday," she confirms.

Mrs. Smith nods and heads to the waiting area.

"Can I help?" Amber the receptionist asks as I watch Mrs. Smith pull out a bejeweled iPhone and tap away with pink acrylics.

My head snaps back. "Oh, yes... sorry... erm, can I make an appointment for next week?"


We decide to hold off going to the factory site in lieu of Mrs. Smith being in our eyeline so we head to the pub opposite the salon, opting for an outside table so we can wait for her to leave.

It feels nice here in the thin heat of Spring, overcast skies allowing brief glimpses of something bright and promising.

I know I wanted to punish Alex for telling me off but honestly we've had a very successful day, I've learned more about him and we've managed to enjoy ourselves.

"What do you want to do when you're free of the Gift?" he asks me as I sip a glass of wine. I think.

"I want to reconnect with people," I say after a little mental consultation. "I let all my old friendships die off and I gave up on Uni, I cut myself off from my parents so I think I want to enjoy being with them without the guilt and worry."

"Any best friends or boyfriends waiting for you?" It's an innocuous question but there's a tiny hint of something in there.

"Not really, no. I gave up on any sort of life a few years back. What about you?" I respond, and I realise I'm holding my breath.

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