9. The Way Back Home

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THE wallpaper in my room faintly appears before my eyes and I let out a growl of frustration. I was so close!

The phone is hanging loosely in my hand and I want to throw it against the wall in anger. All of this amazing technology and it never bloody works when you need it to and I'm so incredibly...


I look at my phone again and see a pale blue circle in a map of the UK. The circle, although large, is covering an area near Manchester. It's not small enough to give an accurate location, in fact it's covering most of the county, but this is tremendous. The first real clue as to the area.

I'd almost forgotten that I was stood sopping wet on top of my bed with muddy shoes and a rain coat, but that doesn't matter to me right now. We have a location.

The bed squeaks in protest as I climb down and spread the mud onto the carpet. I screenshot what I'm seeing and hurriedly call Alex.

He doesn't answer.


Maybe he's just got back home himself and needs a few minutes.

But I'm sure he would want to debrief, after all just this afternoon we agreed to speak as soon as we arrived home from Travelling. I ponder for a moment, debating if I'm overthinking everything when I'm struck by a thought. My blood runs cold and I feel sick.

What if he hasn't returned yet? What if the men came back to the vicinity and Alex can't go back?

And I've just rang his phone.

The thought strikes fear throughout my body.

Momentarily I'm rooted to the spot, water dripping off my coat, mud soaking into the floor, paralysed by the thought of what might've happened. I can't call Alex in case it makes things worse but I have no way of finding out what's happened otherwise.

Yes, you do, returns a part of my mind I didn't know was active. You can call Hermes.

Without any delay I drag his number up on the screen, pausing just a fraction before hitting the green dial. I've never called him before; will he be mad? Am I overstepping the mark?

Determinedly I call anyway. Alex might be in trouble so I can't waste time worrying about Olympian etiquette. After a few rings more than I'd have liked it connects.

"Ella, is everything ok?" comes Hermes' smooth voice. I feel calmed slightly, almost as if because he wasn't panicking then maybe everything is alright.

"I tried to call Alex and he didn't answer," I cut in without any preamble, "he should've been back by now but now I'm worried. Can you see where he is?"

"I see," is his calm reply and I can imagine his chiselled face looking at his neat fingernails with vague amusement, probably thinking I'm insane or 'sweet' for needing his help. I clutch the phone tightly, biting back the bark of "Do it now!" building in my throat.

I can hear a slight scuffle on his end and a few electronic clicks. Then, "He's at home. Don't worry, Ella, maybe he just didn't get to his phone on time."

I let out a tiny sigh of relief.

"Is there anything else?" Hermes asks and I tense up again.

Yes, there is. I want to know why he can't tell me where we've been going. I want to know how the hell he expects us to play detective. I want to know how he thinks this is the best way for us to escape the Gift?

"No. Thank you," I say through gritted teeth and Hermes hangs up.


"What the hell, Alex?" I blast as soon as he answers.

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