21. Dinner, Dates and Dives

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Despite insisting that he can take my bed Alex sleeps on the couch even though he's too tall to fit comfortably. It feels so strange knowing he's here but I like the thought of coming home to an occupied flat, to a friend.

I'm prepared for my turn to travel although I'm how thinking I can ask Hermes to put us together again.

As I feel the tugging around my body that signals the start of my body disassembling itself by virtue of corrupted DNA a thought strikes me.

If Prometheus and Cronus made this Gift and kept it secret for who knows how long, are there other people out there with Gifts? Have other humans been given abilities and missions nobody knows about?

The thought is pushed from my mind as I reassemble in this all-too-familiar alley only now I have to dive into my backpack and pull out a raincoat because it's pouring down, so much so that my feet are drenched already.

Rushing over to the shelter of a shop doorway I wonder what's best to do. Do I head to the kiosk in the hope of seeing Docker, or should I investigate some back streets for evidence of drug users?

I choose the kiosk as at least I can have some shelter. I don't want to get obsessed with being some sort of Hetfield vigilante and getting too involved with this development business: my job is to save Elaine Smith.

I don't even get to the kiosk, though, because someone is coming out of it so I'm forced to stand flat against the wall opposite. The rain is too loud for me to hear anything but I can hear shouting and a scuffle.

I think someone is being beaten up.

I can't do anything but stand still in the rain getting sodden and frozen to the bone, aware that someone is being assaulted nearby and I can't do anything.

Or can I?

If I intervene and help does it count as a good deed? Will my involvement and participation count as a worthy enough contribution to save me?

My foot itches to move. I could do it. I could do and be free immediately.


I can't. I can't leave Alex in the lurch like that, how unbelievably selfish would that be? I know I've not had the greatest track record but even that's too much of a step for me.

No, I'm in this with him and we'll do this together.


As I arrive home absolutely drenched and cold I now have to tiptoe across my flat to reach the bathroom for a towel, and I really hope Alex is a heavy sleeper and doesn't catch me creeping about like a drenched Slenderman. It seems to go smoothly until I reach my bedroom door and voice comes through the darkness.

"Hi, did you just get back?"

He's awake.

"Yeah, I'm like a drowned rat, too. I'll update you in the morning," I respond quietly, not wanting to prolong this conversation. I'm cold, wet, look like a beached whale and it's the middle of the night; now isn't the time.

"Ok. Ella?" he adds as I turn the handle. "Thanks for putting up with me. I appreciate it."

"Don't be daft, what kind of friends don't put up with each other? Night, Alex."

Yet my brain doesn't shut off until about 2 o'clock.

Why was Mayor Smith seated on every council area that James Larson has developed on? Is it just coincidence or is he involved somehow?

If it isn't coincidence, then what is he getting out of it? Now I'm wondering if he's invested in the company, or if James Larson himself is a secret twin or something. Unless it's about money, like Smith gets a cut of the profits if he recommends them, meaning he might be willing to cut corners to get rich.

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