So She Has No Memory?

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune here and as all you can see, we are now starting the Awakening Book, where our main boi, (Y/N), is going to be a Thief with the potential of using a Second Seal to become a Mercenary, after all, can't go wrong with that, right? Anyways, hope you all enjoy this first chapter! Also, when it comes to names, I'll write those as I go.


I was walking with Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick. We were headed to a town to check on the people of Ylisse, and make sure all is well. Never thought that the Prince would actually go out and look after his people by actually going to them. He's a kind person, and I've even met his eldest sister, it's hard to believe that there's such a peaceful ruler out there. But then we found a passed out girl on the ground.

Liss (L):"Chrom, we have to do something."

Chrom (C):"What do you propose we do?"

L:"I...I dunno."

C:"Ah, I see your awake now."

L:"Hey there."

C:"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Come on, give me your hand.''

Then the strange girl took his hand and was pulled up.

C:"You all right?"

???:"Y-yes... Thank you, Chrom."

C:"Ah, then you know who I am?"

???:"No, actually, I... It's strange... Your name, it just...came to me..."

C:"...Hmm, how curious. Tell me, what's your name? What brings you here?"

???:"My name is... It's... Hmm?"

C:"...You don't know your own name?"

???:"I'm not sure if... I'm sorry, but where am I, exactly?"

L:"Hey, 've heard of this! It's called amnesia!"

Frederickk (F):"It's called a load of Pegasus dung. We're to believe you remember milord's name, but not your own?"

???:"B-but it's the truth!"

C:"...What if it IS true, Frederick? We can't just leave her here, alone and confused. What sort of Shepherds would we be then?"

F:"Just the same, milord. I must emphasize caution. 'Twould not do to let a wolf into our flock."

C:"Right then-we'll take her back to town and sort this out there."

???:"Wait just one moment. Do I have a say in this?"

C:"Peace, friend - I promise we'll hear all you have to say back in town. Now come."

With that, we started walking with this strange lady. Though, I'm curious on how she's going to react to this...and wonder if she's noticed me...probably hasn't, the only person I know who notices me is just like me...a bit ironic.

???:"What will you do with me? Am I to be your prisoner?"

C:"Hah! You'll be free to go once we establish you're no enemy of Ylisse."

???:"Is that where we are? Ylisse?"

F:"You've never head of the halidom? Ha! Someone pay this actress. She plays quite the fool! The furrowed brow is especially convincing..."

C:"Frederick, please. This land is known as the Halidom of Ylisse. Our ruler, Emmeryn, is called the exalt. I suppose proper introductions are in order... My name is Chrom - but then, you already knew that. The delicate one here is my little sister, Lissa."

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